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Tag: government and politics

Public Administration

Public Administration

The Public Administration: an analysis of its history, concepts and importance. Fernanda de Quadros Oak Dilclia Almeida Sampaio SUMMARY the present article searchs to demonstrate, by means of bibliographical research, the relevance of the Public Administration for the students of Business administration, presenting the main pertinent concepts to the substance, its conflicts and the necessity of modernization of the area better to take care of to the public conveniences. They will be worked, amongst others, the concepts of public politics, public conveniences and managemental modernization. Word-key: Public administration. Modernization. Public politics. Introduction the expression ' ' Pblica&#039 administration; ' , technical, she can in such a way be defined in objective direction how much in subjective direction.

Objective, is activity developed for the State directed to the achievement of the collective good. In subjective direction, it is the set of agencies and legal people to who the law attributes the exercise of those activities. Leaving of the slight knowledge of Public Administration in subjective, objective and formal direction. Under the subjective aspect, the Public Administration is the set of agencies and legal people; under the objective aspect, she understands the activities of the State destined to the concrete and immediate satisfaction of the public interests; under the formal aspect, is the manifestation of the decomposed Public Power in legal-administrative acts endowed with the property of the autoone, despite of provisory character. (Oliveira, 1975, p.14). Throughout the process of evolution of the State, the theory of the bureaucracy lost its initial function that was to guide and to organize the administrative work, established in the rationality, giving origin what flame of bureaucratic disfuno. According to Weber (1967, apud CHIAVENATO, 2000, P. 309): ' ' The bureaucracy is the efficient organization par excellence ' ' . bureaucratic disfunes correspond the anomalies and imperfections in the functioning of the bureaucracy, where if it observes the lack of efficiency of the organization, wastefulnesses of the resources of materials, routine and attachment of the employees its positions and functions, as well as slowness in the resolution of the problems.

Marina Silva

Marina Silva

Dilma is representing the attempt of the government Squid of teruma continuity. But we are seeing for Brazil diverse cases of continuidadequebrada, exactly in governments of the PT. As I already spoke in previous article on ofavoritismo of Dilma of long ago (), it today has undeniable similarities with the mayor of Recife Joo of the Coast and oprojeto of continuity that Joo Pablo, previous mayor, mounted with it nacampanha of 2008. If to take these similarities, then estaremosferrados if Dilma literally to earn, because we saw in Recife the disruption of the alliance JooPaulo-Joo of the Coast and a very coarse government in terms of urban management, quenada remembers the continuity promises. Already we suspect today that Dilma nadatem to see with the way Squid to govern, and the time very probably goes to nosdar this certainty case it earns. Mountain range, in turn, represents everything what Brazil does not want verou to have in return: a politics perspective rightist, conservative, elitist, (after) neoliberal, capenga economically, antissocial, indiferentecom the environment, insensitive to the necessities of the needed classrooms more.

Asqueixas of the people of So Paulo with its state government very probably passaroa to be national case it earns. Other possible candidates, for the little that conhecemosdeles, also does not inspire the minimum confidence of that they improve Brazil to seganharem. Or at least not it same confidence that Marina sows. For everything this, I declare my vote, without plus no fear, emMarina Silva and my hope of that my expectations and hopes in it seconfirmem in the presidential electoral campaign from July and in its triunfoeleitoral. Exactly that it is small in the research now, is very provvelque, with a well delineated campaign and strategy, it surprises daqui for October, as well as many others politicians had surprised in the last few decades. Marina, my hope is officially with you..

Obama And The Death Of Bin Laden

Obama And The Death Of Bin Laden

It has few days faleceu Osama Bin Laden. Died for commands of U.S.A., its disappearance caused critical forts regarding the lack of ethics inlaid in the celebration to the death of an enemy. Not obstante such quarrel to be valid, I believe that it dims great cerne of the question: why it was not captured alive? To arrest the maximum leader of the Al-Qaeda, and not to kill it, would be much more advantageous, therefore of it if it could completely extract the maximum of information regarding the next steps to the terrorist organization, that would be obliged to modify all its immediate hierarchy, all its internal organization and all its plans of attacks, disarticulating itself. Bin Laden alive, therefore, would represent an enormous profit of time for U.S.A., that would have all the conditions to jam the extremistas before its eventual rearticulao. But, unhappyly, what Bin Laden wise person died with it, and the Al-Qaeda continues solid and strong. Logically president Barack Obama is intelligent and she is not unaware of such facts. However, between acting inside of the logic and if using to advantage politically of the understandable desire that most of the Americans nourished in desiring the death of Bin Laden, is clearly that it opted to the second option, a time that its popularity was in low due to slow recovery of the effect of the economic crisis world-wide initiate in 2008. Therefore the order was to kill Bin Laden, and not to arrest it, despite it was disarmed, as in fact he was, and that metal ring AK-47 that always loaded was not to its reach when of the appearance of the military of U.S.A. In such a way, Barack Obama obtained what it wanted: an enormous increase of popularity with efusivos compliments of the majoritria republican opposition in the Congress, that was obliged to recognize festejada ' ' vitria' ' , practically guaranteeing its re-election to the maximum position in 2012, exactly that to the costs of not the exploration of a true alive archive whose transmitted information could come to increase, in fact, the security of U.S.A.

Governmental Public Relations

Governmental Public Relations

Governmental Public relations Robert Ramalho is public relations, journalist, and was vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Public Relations, seccional of Alagoas, between 2002 and the 2003 subject that will be boarded here on Governmental Public Relations is one of most important for the understanding of the relation between the State and its citizens. In relation to the studies of Aristotle, who, in accordance with the scientist Italian politician Norberto Bobbio (2000), was one of first and the more famous studious of the relation State-citizens, the State was the focus, also already existed by its very nature, being previous to the men and not instituted by them. However, with the evolution of the studies in the area, it was perceived that the society politics was this yes, constituted, being ' ' a voluntary product of the individuals, that with a reciprocal agreement decide to live in society and to institute one governo' ' (BOBBIO, 2000:64). Here, therefore, it is transferred to take it in account idea of that the politics is the way that the men use to associate e, thus, to promote and to keep between itself the social life. According to Norberto Bobbio (2000), Johannes Althusius, was one of the defending greaters of this thought. Thus being, the declarations of the rights of the man in the United States and France had marked the adoption of this new point of view, that beyond recognizing that the individuals constituam the State, pointed with respect to another important aspect: the individual is not for the State, but the State is for the individual. Thus, this relation starts to be permanent and the paper of the State is not alone to respect the rights of the man, but, also, to make them to be valid and to protect them. It teaches to us to the great master of the Constitucional law and Administrative the following one: ' ' One of the characteristics of the modern world is that conscience that has each citizen who each citizen contributes for the collective workmanship, eliminated that they had been, with the advent of the democratic system, the barriers between the men that they govern and those that are governed.

South America

South America

It makes in case that it, the ONGs and international media, qui the national one, will insuflaro the world against us saying that we are perpetrating a modern holocausto, giving reasons to invade our country, ' ' in order to protect the minorities tnicas' '. Neudo Fields, of sarcastic form, also declared: ' ' who are we we stop saying what he has in the subsoil of Roraima? Who knows of our ores, where they are and where amount is the owners of the satellites that prospectam the Amaznia of the space. They know accurately where they are and how much our wealth are valid minerais' '. Interesting declaration, therefore on this day where we are writing this article, the Brazilians who love this country more than cry the death of twenty compatriots who had died in plus one ' ' acidente' ' of our VLS- Launch vehicle of Satellites that blew up in the Base of Alcntara, in the State of the Maranho, being this third ' ' acidente' ' , therefore already in 1997 and 1999 the VLS also suffers ' ' acidentes' '. International the Financial Oligarchy and its asseclas do not want to allow that Brazil enters in the select group of the Countries that possess capacity to launch satellites in orbit, because then we would know what they know on our Amaznia. To get worse Soon after the crowding of the four Ianomamis peoples) in 2004 the government Squid was the only president of the South America that signed the treat one to the ONU, which accepted that aboriginal peoples declare independent nations, with international support. If already they are part of the Brazilian nation and are contemplated in the politics of the country This corresponds to open hands of our sovereignty on that region (what &#039 is intention of forces atreladas politics excuses; ' ONU' ' or of somebody well smart and strategical thing, what it obtained. .

Robert Axe

Robert Axe

Foucault also calls the attention for the problem the growth of the population in the contemporaneidade, in if treating to the control of this number of individuals for the state elements of sovereignty, as it is cited by it: ' ' The government techniques if had become the question basic politics and the real space of the fight politics, the governamentalizao of the State was the phenomenon that allowed to the State sobreviver.' ' (P. 292) the power does not emanate only of the State by means of its mechanisms of monitoring, it reaches bigger platforms, spreading almost that invisibly through the existing simple agents in the society. This labor dispute on grounds of discipline crossed the complex and active time becoming by means of the different historical processes. Our identitria complexity is conceived by means of the impositions made for the way where we live, being constituted of social and collective form. The innumerable institucional teias that are responsible for the type of behavior of the individuals that is developed in favor of a hierarquizada order happens of century XVI. ' ' From century XVI until the end of century XVIII, it is seen to develop a considerable series of treat that they are presented not more as advice to the princes (…) but as art of governar' '.

(P. 277). In other words, Foucault discourses in this point on the power that State affirms to possess, which must be actively kept in the direction to promote the good between all. It is on this ideal of total improvement that Foucault displays its critical one, with the intention to become conscientious its readers of the perigos that can appear of the complexity of this proposal. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE FOUCAULT, Michel. Microfsica of the Power; organization and translation of Robert Axe. Rio De Janeiro: Graal, 1979.

Robert Pear

Robert Pear

In the case of rendering of services, either public either of private initiative, one mentions to it on Costs of Quality to the control, being the target in this study the cost of quality of the information on the legislative utility installment in and the judiciary one. 2. Information of Costs for the Legislative A question of the Information of Costs of the Public Power has been subject of studies of academics of Administration and of Accounting. An article written for Robert Pear tree Rabbit, Administrator of Companies and Auditor ISO 9001, deals with the Research of Cost in the Legislative one with the objectives to demonstrate, through collection of available data in half electronic, the transparency of the managements publishes and to evidence the probable excesses, bringing to the public opinion the legislative costs of cities and States, to observe the agencies of legislative the federal one, that have as primary function the fiscalization of the accounts of the executive. The author affirm that he only observed the costs of legislative the federal one, leaving of side cities and States, what he creates a relative tranquillity to the administrators of these houses, therefore never are fiscalized by the population. 7 Robert Pear tree RABBIT (2006) in the objectives of its article adds: To charge of the public administrators the TRANSPARENCY so propagated in speeches and public declarations and that in the practical one he is restricted to few States and Cities that disponibilizam these. Beyond detaching ‘ ‘ To make to fulfill what it is in the Federal Constitution in its Art. 5 XXXIII: ‘ ‘ all have right to receive from the public agencies information of its particular interest, or collective or general interest, that will be given in the stated period of the law, duly warned responsibility, exceptions those whose secrecy is essential to the security of the society and the Estado’ ‘ , also detaching what it is determined in the State Constitutions and the Organic Law of the City, in the case I specify of the city of Campo Grande in its Art.

Southern Cross

Southern Cross

Therefore, the ALIMENTARY SECURITY is much more complex of what the simple fact to order to confection magnetic cards with the name and password of the people, so that bodega, bolicho or sales can in any buy a pasta package manufactured with imported wheat of the United States, one latinha of extract of tomatoe produced for a transnational e, who knows, one kilo of imported beans of Mexico. The hunger is not different of that family who deferred payment back in city of Guara, verge with Argentina, of the hunger of the family who deferred payment in Southern Cross, the Acre. The hunger is as a virus that mines the resistncias of the human being. At a first moment it finishes with the organic resistance. After that with the moral resistance to such point, that it loses for crumbs. A family father suffers for seeing that its children do not have what to eat.

A family mother cries blood tears because maternal milk more does not feed its son. A child cries of hunger and she does not understand because she does not have food, and grows with many others fomes. A nation with hunger and that it does not decide this situation is a perverse nation. A nation with hunger and that it promises to solutions the short-term one, by means of imediatistas and populist proposals, is a nation that manufactures illusions and a social bomb of delayed effect. But to a father and a mother of family, a child, a nation that it knows as and reason are passing hunger and have in its governing the biggest hopes of that its hunger is mitigated, still remains them a rstia of will of living. But if such not to come if to materialize curtssimo stated period, this hungry people of food will be able to feel another type of hunger, the hunger that generates the revolt and the social chaos.

The Malignant Governor

The Malignant Governor

This vampirizao varretoda the existence human being, but its bigger fruition if of only after the mortefsica, when the deixarred a carne souls could be vampirizadas without qualquer’ ‘ shunting line of ateno’ ‘ proportionate for the physical contact. Being the vampirizao they postmortem the biggest desire of the invisible enemies, then the severity visible nenhumsofrimento on the face of the Land means a great victory stops osinimigos, that only laugh and wait the deaths to profit in the Hades (lembrarque the vampirizao post mortem does not produce pain physical some and it is not ador that more produces energy vampirizvel, and yes the terror and the anguish). 2) The Malignant Governor if hides because not conseguemais to modify the signals of badness and monstruosidade that emanate of its face, epor this immediately would be rejected by the sense of aesthetic of the victims.

Emvista of this it always will use masks and disguises, being the most common showy use decorpo igneous or of benign ghost, camouflaging with perfection until vozde people deads and thus being deceptive until osfamiliares of these. In recent years of the present terrestrial civilization (that God only knows when they finish), they say that the enemy will use the disfarceperfeito of a human, gorgeous and intelligent body, created from reproduohumana, in vitro or clonagem. The reader is invited to read respostasdo author on the subject the two of its pupils, in artigo’ ‘ Endorsing Stephen Hawking’ ‘. 3) Malignant governor if hides because, even so sejamoralmente depraved and badly, never he lost the sense of obedience to the laws that ofavorecem, as it occurs with all the human outlaws; which, even so they steal, they kill and they rape, they are cleres in alleging the laws protect that them of more serious oupenas arrests. The difference for the human outlaws is that, as the Good and oCentro of the Laws is God (where Justice is perfect and Leialguma never disobeys), the necessary Evil always to keep certain agreement with the laws poderno to give to a legal breach God to enter in the conflict and to win the War maisrpido, it would compel what it to vampirizar a lesser number of souls..

Republic Population

Republic Population

He nailed to the necessity of base reforms and the implantation of a syndicalistic republic. (One mixture of bolchevismo with fascism). It sleeps, with this racket! In March of 1964, the clutter and the intranquilidade if had generalized. The Country became champion world-wide of strikes, and increased the threats of intervention of armed groups. The part had focos of revolt for all, and what it seems incredible, stimulated for the Central Power. In 13 if March, in the Central office of Brazil, Rio De Janeiro, in gigantic assembly, with the presence of President Joo Goulart, was promised ' ' reforma' ' , in the law or marra.

The destination of the Nation oscillated between bad and the peor. The population most cautious gave beginning to a reaction: it promoted, with the aid of the clergy, great ' ' March of the family, with God, for the Liberdade' ' , civic-patriotic movement that it intended to clarify the Brazilian population how much to the necessity of if preventing that it was installed, here, a dictatorship anarchical-Communist. In the closing of Marcha, the Senator Calazans Priest was tachativo: ' ' Here they are more than 500 people to say the president of the Republic that Brazil wants the democracy, and not it tiranismo vermelho' '. It was there that Castello Branco appeared, a pertaining to the state of Cear general who, with strong pulse and strategical decision, it restored the order it disciplines and it, and it saneou the focos of corruption, by means of the Revolution of 31 of March. For conseguiz it, it annulled civil laws, it arrested subversive, it occupied security ranks, it botou the troops in the street and supported the regiments headquartered in Minas Gerais, that had been first a if to insurgirem. In the form of the Institucional Act n0 1, ' ' the Constituent Power if legitimizes by itself.