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Month: April 2017

Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault

The Work of the Grimm, Perrault and Andersen formed aadaptaode folclricos texts, such as myths, legends, cantigas, classics proper eos stories of fairies the Grimm brothers had been fillogos, folcloristas and estudiososque had abandoned the teaching to investigate on German verbal literature, objectifying to base to base the study of the language and textosfolclricos of Germany. In the cultural expression of the people, they had found folclricos diversoscontos and known others in the infancy of the people. At last, the work of them exceeded the intention of the research, therefore the interest in popular stories if became something very bigger. Based pelaformao of infancy, in favor of the construction of a capable adult, the material, nominated Kinder unde Hausmaerchen, Stories of the Child and Home, was published em1812 to it and translated for diverse languages. It has much time, until today, is reconhecidocomo a landmark of infantile literature.

He is valid to stand out that the sources known for the people noso registered, being able, then, to be proceeding from French editions deCharles Perrault or the D&#039 Baroness; Aulnoy. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF STORIES Of popular stories of adult subject for the temticainfantil, the correspondence of the new educational point of view, qualexige of the literary materials, an example of behavior so that sejapassado for the children occurs. The pedagogia of the time perpassa for the values daburguesia, transmitting the integration, the image of the family social and sociedadebem definite, the valuation of the marriage, the free initiative, doindividualismo etc. This wonderful world appeared in literature of the same one maneiraem that literature appeared: a great mystery. Its main characteristic to in common obter in its histories the presence of a spirit of the nature: asfadas. Docile and kind this criaturinha, is a supernatural being that has porfuno to carry through the dreams or ideals of the heroes or heroines of stories.

Average Education

Average Education

We believe that, in significant way, the school has added efforts to fulfill its real intentions, when placing its work directed to the access, on the part of its pupils, of the scientific and cultural goods promoted by the humanity and, still, a space of socialization, conquest of the exercise of the liberty of speech, of the access to the information stops of the civil laws and politicians, of the social and economic rights. In this manner, we dare to question: That school we have? That school we want? These are investigations that wait for reply in all the education institutions, that this can be conquered by means of a collective and participativo work of the involved professionals in the interior of the school, that will call protagonists here. Basically, our concern inhabits in answering to these questions and as much others, for then, being located ahead of the existing challenges in our schools, either of the Infantile Education, Basic or Average Education, so that from a joint work to delineate ways and to tread in search of assertive answers. To narrow these actions, we need to understand the meaning concrete of Pertaining to school Management and democratic Management and the points of differentiation and/or convergence between these concepts. Source: Sen. Sherrod Brown. 1.GESTO PERTAINING TO SCHOOL AND DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT In this space of reflection we objectify to argue concerning the Pertaining to school Management and Democratic Management. Thus, when referenciarmos the pedagogical productions and experiences throughout history, we perceive that the concept of Management has folloied ampler the social demands in different historical contexts, covering a considerable trajectory until the metodolgica transformation for the Democratic Pertaining to school Management. We verify, still, that the education and the pertaining to school management express each historical and social moment, being therefore, a synthesis of ampler the social changes. In accordance with the Dictionary of the Portuguese language, Pertaining to school Management and Democratic Management means to manage, to govern, to direct.

Jean Foucambert

Jean Foucambert

Literature is a not pragmatic speech. It does not have no immediate practical purpose. Already for Barthes (1997, p.16), literature is the only alternative that the man has to escape of the power of the language that is closed without exterior. . It is the magnificent hoax. She is in the text that the language must be fought and not in the message, of who it is only instrument.

2,2 Reading The reading is one of the forms of knowledge of the reality and is presented with a possibility of interaction of the man. It must be understood as dynamic activity that transforms the reader into co-author of the workmanship. In literature, reader and author have the same importance, therefore the text alone has literary value for the significao that is attributed to it by the reader with the practical one of the reading. Such exercise rare is perceived by the reader in the act of the reading (ISER, 1996). The reading is an activity specifically human being, conscientious and intentional who if constitutes in a complex and difficult task of if investigating and if to analyze. To this respect, Jean Foucambert it places that it is difficult to define what is reading for if dealing with an eminently polimorfa activity.

For it, to read is to attribute meant, a time that this does not meet in the ready and finished text, in way that can be extracted. It is the work of partnership between author and reader whom the attribution of meaning to any text makes possible. The author of the indices of what he can be interpreted, but fits to the reader to attribute sensible what he reads. The reading, as any communication, assumes that who chore with the message invests in it a sufficiently superior amount of information to that it extracts (not to confuse with that the author already placed, conscientiously or not).

Physical Education

Physical Education

To guarantee the reach of the educational objectives the LDB of 1961 includes the Physical Education in the obligator resume for the courses primary and average until the age of 18 years, bringing in return the number of sessions for three weekly lessons as well as fifty minutes the duration of each session consolidating definitively this disciplines in the Brazilian pertaining to school system of 1 and 2 degrees (BETTI, 1991). 2.2 The Physical Education and the Military Regimen (1964 the 1985) From the installation of the Military Regimen in Brazil, the Physical Education gained ratio of high investments in the sport in the attempt to make with that this disciplines came to participate in the promotion of the country of the success in competitions of high level (DARIDO, 1999). The sport gained dimensions as content in the lessons of pertaining to school Physical Education, modifying the education molds, thus establishing a new concept of professor, who of professor-instructor would now pass to be called professor-trainer. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights. In this direction one observes the characteristics of the professor of the time as: centraliser, disciplinarian, soon to exert on its pupils the repetition mechanics of the esportivos movements (DARIDO, 1999). This period also was marked for a series of educational measures with an intention of the valuation for the formation human being with the conscience of the time where they lived, amongst them the inclusion of disciplines Moral and Civic Education in the three levels of education whose objective it was the cult to the religious, nationalistic values and the obedience the Laws and also the obligatoriness of the Physical Education in the university courses (BETTI, 1991). The Physical Education and the sport in Brazil had been constructed historically under gide of the liberal doctrine, the French influence and had had as main promoter to the Armed Forces that had contributed, effectively, for the materialization of this different education, destined to the detainers of the national income.

Alexander Dunes

Alexander Dunes

Thus, several other authors had passed if to detach in the national literary scene, however, each one with proper style, as Lgia Bojunga Nunes, Ruth Rock, Ana Maria Axe, Orgenes Lessa, Ziraldo, Vnder Piroli, Silvia Orthof, Mary France, Joel Rufino, that much has contributed for the enlargement of the sort. The reality of maranhense infantile literature was developed with the workmanships of Viriato Corra and Pablo Barreto, being distinguished the writer Joshua Montello and others, as, Jorge Muce, Birth of Moraes Son, Suely Moura de Oliveira, Ribamar Fonseca and Wilson You mark. Transferring itself it analyzes it of youthful literature, is evidenced that its beginning coincides with the book publication directed toward the youthful public from middle of Century XIX, being distinguished, universally, the following writers: Walter Scott, Alexander Dunes, Jlio Verne, Johan David Wyes and others. history of youthful literature passed for three important landmarks. The first one of them mentions years to it 70, where the books had appeared of adventure, that they were marked by much action and almost no message, destarte, it is important to emphasize that, before this landmark, the literary compositions directed toward the young were few, being been the main ones, written for Lobato Hunter. After that, the writer Rey Landmarks introduced new elements in histories, from years 80, giving a new roupagem to this literary sort, however, the development of such workmanships alone occurred 1992, a time that the authors had started to invest more in books in detriment of the biggest use of the same ones in the schools, that had started to adopt them in all the series. Of this form, infantile and youthful literature is distinguished before excessively for, beyond representing an efficient way to the learning it act to read, makes possible to the readers a moment of entertainment, reason by which the taste for the reading effectively is worked, a time that the children and young dive in history, despertando emotions and feelings, sharpening the creativity, at last, making possible a bigger interaction, reason for which, defends it idea of that this type of reading must be part of daily of the children and the young, not only in the schools, but in all its life. .

The Reality

The Reality

For it I oppose this versicle says that all the things are naked and clear to the eyes of God, that is, as well as who this naked does not have as to hide the defects of your body for who this being contemplated such nudez, thus also no matter how hard somebody uses masks to hide your defects, ahead of God and as if it was naked that is without masks clearly leaving for God who in the reality it e, observes the text that if follows and knows that of God nothing is not hidden. Sl 139:1 – 4Senhor, you me sounding leads, know and me. You know mine to seat and my uprising; of far you understand my thought. You investigate my floor, and mine to lie down, and know all my ways. Without he has a word in my language, here it is that, Sir, everything you know. Coming back to discourse on you mask that they are used for some Christians to give in all the situation well where they meet. Some when they leave house to go to the temple where congregate mask place it of the sanctification, if it becomes an exemplary Christian, it however, goes to the studies, it participates of the saint supper and it makes everything that a Christian I legalize makes. But when he finishes the cult that it arrives in house and takes off masks it (behavior) it comes back to be what it and in the reality, when and married and a husband who maltreats the wife, and one I adulterate, spanks the children, and if wants fulfills with its duties of man of the house. When if he deals with children, when masks he takes off it of a good son who it uses in the church and the society where he dies, shows a behavior lastimvel, does not respect the parents, attend videos of ponographic content, practises sex that and condemned for God for being it are of the marriage and others many atrocities.