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Trading On The Forex

Trading On The Forex

The rapid growth of your capital is directly proportional to the decision of what part of the account to trade Forex. For example, when the score was three and a half thousand dollars (at 1:100 leverage) the purchase of the lot may be too risky. Let's say you already have in their account of the order of a million dollars, it is clear that the purchase of a single lot does not affect the amount of this same account. Because the important relationship its size with the amount you have purchased lots. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is likely to increase your knowledge. But their number depends not only on account balance.

Its value is influenced by such factors as the expected loss, history of previous transactions, etc. Alas, but still quite some traders are suitable to address this issue with due responsibility and seriousness. Rather rely on luck. What, in fact, there is a big mistake. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out James Donovan Goldman. Deciding on the number used to open capital position is as important as determining the direction and opening position. Treydet can not affect prices, as well as ensure a hundred percent will whether or not a transaction profit.

But he may indeed, as it is to control the number of lots. It will depend only on him. The result is evident – increased value for money (taking into account the true market analysis). Ability to manage risks worst-case ratio of losing to the level of balance in the account, in this case will help determine needed for trade, the volume of lots. Consequently, we can easily conclude that there is a number / divider (between 0 and 1) the highest expected loss, which gives the possibility to determine the number of lots. More details about the calculation, use and influence of this number by the amount of lots in the foreign exchange market, please read the Benefits for managing capital. The site proper trading strategy Scalping.

Trading On The Forex

Trading On The Forex

The rapid growth of your capital is directly proportional to the decision of what part of the account to trade Forex. For example, when the score was three and a half thousand dollars (at 1:100 leverage) the purchase of the lot may be too risky. Let's say you already have in their account of the order of a million dollars, it is clear that the purchase of a single lot does not affect the amount of this same account. Because the important relationship its size with the amount you have purchased lots. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is likely to increase your knowledge. But their number depends not only on account balance.

Its value is influenced by such factors as the expected loss, history of previous transactions, etc. Alas, but still quite some traders are suitable to address this issue with due responsibility and seriousness. Rather rely on luck. What, in fact, there is a big mistake. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out James Donovan Goldman. Deciding on the number used to open capital position is as important as determining the direction and opening position. Treydet can not affect prices, as well as ensure a hundred percent will whether or not a transaction profit.

But he may indeed, as it is to control the number of lots. It will depend only on him. The result is evident – increased value for money (taking into account the true market analysis). Ability to manage risks worst-case ratio of losing to the level of balance in the account, in this case will help determine needed for trade, the volume of lots. Consequently, we can easily conclude that there is a number / divider (between 0 and 1) the highest expected loss, which gives the possibility to determine the number of lots. More details about the calculation, use and influence of this number by the amount of lots in the foreign exchange market, please read the Benefits for managing capital. The site proper trading strategy Scalping.

Office Property

Office Property

Rent real estate increased in 2007 to 40.7% and reached 1163 euro per square meter per year. This data from the report of Jones Lang LSalle European Office Property Clock Q4 2007." Rental Class A offices in the euro area in the value increased by 10.5% compared to last year. The main objects of the growth rate began to Oslo (56.9%), Moscow (41.7%) and Athens (40.7%). The capital of Norway on these factors lead for the second consecutive quarter. The authors believe that the cause of this increase rents in this segment is consistently high growth economies. The report reviewed 32 intelligence office real estate market of class A. The main criteria for selection of office space have become the location of the office (only the city center) and his area (500 square meters. m).

Top three from last quarter remained unchanged. The most expensive office real estate is still for rent in the UK capital London, the West End. Prices for office rent here is 1685 euros per year per square meter. Then come Moscow (1163 euros) and the City of London (967 euros). Declining unemployment in Europe has given reason to increase rents office space in the fourth quarter. In Europe overall, the rate per period increased by 1.5%.

The biggest growth has Luxembourg – 14.3%. EU economy in 2007 showed only a 2.8% growth. Forecast for 2008 – just 2.1%. The main reasons for the slowdown is the economic shocks: permanent changes in interest rates by central banks and the credit crunch. For all that, none of the analysts do not deny the continued growth of rental rates, but rates are not as great as before. Centralization of modern markets and total urbanization more than a decade will play the role of drivers of economic transformation. But this is how it will affect the cost of leasing office space while neizvestno.V Krasnodar Residential rose in price Real Estate in Krasnodar, because of the banking crisis in April, has grown in value. Growth should slow down in May. According to company "A Costa" in Krasnodar, the average cost of 1 sq. km. m of housing in the primary market is 54.4 thousand rubles. "For I quarter 2008 the average cost of 1 sq. km. m changed by 2.75%, which is at 0.92% per month. But in April the figure was about 6.3%. Such a jump in prices is a consequence of the banking crisis of the late January – early February 2008 This behavior of real estate market – it is a natural phenomenon. In May, growth in house prices should be considerably less – 2-3% ", – said Head of Reference Service" A Coast info Dmitri Markov. Value of sold apartments in the secondary and primary markets in April was 57.95% and 42.05% respectively. In the secondary market in one-room apartments, the price of 1 sq. km. m amounted to 57.6 thousand, two-room – about 55.5 thousand, three-room – 51,4 thousand, four-room – 52,6 thousand. Primary real estate market of Krasnodar cost of 1 sq. km. m of living space in one-room flats was 47.8 thousand, two-room – 46,8 thousand, three-room – 45.2 thousand, four-room – 45.2 thousand

Caribbean Together

Caribbean Together

On May 28, 2009 for the citizens of St. – Kitts and Nevis became possible visa-free entry and stay of up to 181 days per year in the Schengen countries *. Now passport Saint Kitts and Nevis on the number of visa-free visits to yield unless only passports of Australia, UK and USA. This event has a direct bearing on the citizens of the Russian Federation, as the Constitution of St. Kitts and Nevis, 1984 (Citizenship Act 1984) establishes the right to receive Lifelong citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis when buying property in projects approved by the government of the country. The Federation of St.

Kitts and Nevis – a democratic independent state located in the archipelago The Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean, based on the British parliamentary system. Head of State – Her Majesty the Queen. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Blumenthal, another great source of information. Head of Government – Prime Minister. Currency – East Caribbean dollar XCD. Exchange rate stable, at about 2.68 to the dollar. Saint Kitts and Nevis are located in the Eastern Caribbean, about two thousand miles southeast of Miami, Florida (USA). Federation consists of two islands: Nevis, which has an area of 93.2 sq.

km. km, and St. Kitts (St. Christopher), whose area is 168.4 square meters. km. The total area of 261.6 sq. km island. km. The islands are of volcanic origin, their surface is mountainous. The highest peak has a height of 1155 m and is located on St. Kitts. Mount Nevis lies in the heart of the island of Nevis, and rises to 985 meters.

South Korea

South Korea

On the market today, a new word "return". The level of defaults on loans issued through the cards, with 70% of the total outstanding debt. A level itself defaults on consumer loans of up to one year has already reached 20%. The main reasons for this phenomenon – the lack of verification of the borrower's credit standing in the field of loan, the lack of effective procedures, poorly functioning channels of information-sharing among creditors. And the last factor – high training scam. According to the General Director for Russia and CIS VISA Lou Naumovski, the expansion of these phenomena, they warned two years ago.

In connection with this question, Will avoid the mistakes of South Korea, stnovitsya very important. Avoid them in the event that will be undertaken joint efforts of all stakeholders, experts say. And something in this direction is already being done. In State Duma considered a law on the compulsory use of bank cards in shops with a turnover of $ 20 thousand or more. Gradually begins to operate Institute credit bureaus.

However, these measures are insufficient, while the market is in the degree of maturity of the breast, the crisis may occur very quickly, quite a strong push. And we need to prepare for such negative possibilities. First and foremost we need to expand the volume exchange of information – not only negative but also positive. Competently built the credit market seriously helps economic growth. Real consumer spending Russians in 2005 increased by almost 11%. In 2004, people spend slightly less than 70% of all income on consumption. In 2005 – almost 71%. Increase by 2% per year in the world is high. And this is the contribution of credit cards. But simultaneously there is another process: the more we spend, than actively using credit cards, the more increasing, and the associated risks. Example of South Korea – a visual confirmation of this thesis.

Russia Presence

Russia Presence

In essence, 'Tribal village' Ural sloboda'' is the national social project, in which complex solved many problems, including population. Cloning of similar settlements in the vast Russia decides to national security, not only economic but also social (meaning long-term development of the Urals, Siberia and Far East), will unify approaches to organizing and building small residential areas, to minimize the resource-trudovremennoy potential stabilize the several generations of citizens, immigrants, diasporas on the territory of eliminating the need, therefore, subsidized regions. Except addition, the presence of a rich mountainous terrain with its 'character and a person' creates the Urals 'little Switzerland', located at a distance from the existing vandal negative society. And the presence of excess local construction materials (rock folding various fractions from sand to large stones) can arrange the landscape with minimal material costs, creating a unique beauty to the surroundings alpine slide, terraced slopes and cascading waterfalls. The presence of pristine forest, beating small architectural forms, paths, pergolas, rotundas determine a unique aura and psychologically comfortable environment for residents of the settlement. Once again, placing an emphasis in what is the uniqueness of the settlements 'Ural settlement'? 1.Ono located in the first radius distance from the city of Yekaterinburg (30 km), in an ecologically clean area, 1.5 km from the Federal Highway Serov, Yekaterinburg, the center is located above the level of the city of Yekaterinburg on 178 meters, which allows you to receive all the TV, news channels and Svjaseva today; 2.Uchityvaetsya social ranking of people, is closely tied to the area of acquired land (from 3 to 50 acres).

Federal Registration Service

Federal Registration Service

Training facility for sale must be conducted, but 90% of owners do not know how. When leaving your advertising you receive many calls and there are shows, different people are coming, someone even traded. With a large share of luck owner negotiates with the buyer on the transaction and even takes a deposit and sign the receipt. Then quickly begins to run on all instances and prepare documents for sale. Outset that option quite costly and troublesome, moreover, can take a large enough amount of time, effort and nerves.

And now is the moment he is willing to trade when the two sides come to the Office of the Federal Registration Service of the Bryansk region, where they constitute a contract of sale, the same count the money, signs, give for registration, agree to be accomplished when the process of moving and the two sides of the happy part on their homes. Like all well and smoothly for you and me out, but this whole situation, there is a lot of mistakes. 1. Incorrect assessment of the object – you yourself see the newspaper, the Internet, but this is not an objective assessment, and the outcome of this will lead to stagnation of your property in the property market, loss of time and unexpected discounts future, 2. Limited sources of advertising – a couple of publications, and hence a limited number of customers who may be interested in your apartment, house, commercial property and the Bryansk region. 3. Preparation of an object to Sales – many owners are not at all what to do in this area.

European Business

European Business

It is no secret that getting a loan for the implementation of good business ideas in the bank is virtually impossible – bankers prefer to lend to the current and, primarily, a successful business. However, would the idea and the money will be found. One of the options for attracting investment – business angels. Who are Business Angels? Under the romantic name of 'business angels' hidden quite pragmatic investors who are willing to invest their own capital in the favorite business. Business angels are using venture capital investment vehicle – funding is provided for the long term without collateral or guarantors. Entrepreneur gets the required investments, business angels – its stake in the company.

Investor's goal is simple – wait until the maximum value of the company and sell its share to profit, many times greater than the sum of investments. It is easy to assume that the idea of private investment has come to Russia from the USA and Europe. In every European country there are thousands of business angels united dozens of organizations. Europe's largest network of angel – European Business Angel Network (EBAN) – consists of 62 associations of investors in 21 countries. Advantages and Disadvantages Business Angels The main advantage of business angels in front of a traditional bank loan – private investors are willing to take risks.

Unlike banks, they can provide a loan for business development and credit for the discovery business. Another advantage of working with the angels – they are engaged in the business, provide professional advice, offer support, because they have a stake in the success of the enterprise. However, the latter factor may be considered and disadvantage, because part of business angels in business administration denies businessman substantial share of autonomy. Another disadvantage of business angels are limited – the banks they are certainly much higher. However, if we are talking about small businesses and the investment up to a million dollars, the 'power' of business angels may be enough. How to find a business angel? If you have a decent idea for a business, finding a business angel is not so difficult. Today in Russia there are several organizations of business angels, the largest of which – the National Network of Business Angels 'Private equity' and the National Association of Business Angels. There are also smaller regional community of business angels. The capital is Moscow Network of Business Angels. Receiving money from investors – rather lengthy procedure. In order to get investment, you must provide a clear business plan or description of your project. In the 'Private Equity' documents can be sent by e-mail. If approved, the draft business plan will be posted on the organization's website and circulated to potential investors. By the way, if an investor is found, the employer will have to pay 'commission' 'private capital'. The so-called 'success fee' of 5% of the amount of investment.

Kazan Bank

Kazan Bank

Agency Fitch has submitted a list of banks in Kazan on the ability to absorb losses. Only three of Kazan of the bank – it's Spurt Bank, BTA-Kazan, the Bank of Kazan, who are not experiencing difficulties with inventory. Agency estimates that, at 10 Russian banks, VTB 24, Bank of 'Russia', Moscow Bank, Swedbank, VTB Bank, Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), "AK BARS" Bank Rosbank Orgresbank and UniCredit Bank – most relevant resources for loans less than ten percent, thus Fitch has concluded that the ability of banks to absorb losses to date is low, but not so certain. The probability of loss absorption from the Bank of Moscow and VTB will likely significantly strengthened in consequence of further impacts of investments. In addition, VTB and Bank of Moscow have a significant Number of banks also have strong shareholders, which the agency will provide new capital to banks in case necessary, says the narrative Fitch. For the same reason, despite the analysis of Fitch, the state "AK BARS" Bank is safe. Already in April, its shareholders have come to the conclusion multiply share capital in 1,5 times. Little about the bank: Bank (from Italian.

Banco – a bench, a table on which the money-changers were laid coins) – financial and credit institutions whose main function is to provide financial services to businesses and individuals. In accordance with Russian law 1, the bank – a credit institution, which has the exclusive right to exercise all of the following banking operations: attracting deposits from individuals and legal entities, placement of these funds on its behalf and at his own expense under the terms of payment, maturity, and repayment of trust, openness and maintaining bank accounts of businesses and individuals. A credit institution – legal entity which for profit as the primary objective of its activities on the basis of a special permit (license) of the Central Bank of Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) has the right to banking, the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking. A credit institution is formed on the basis of any form of ownership as an economic society. Non-bank credit organization – the credit institution has the right to perform certain banking transactions contemplated by the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking. The permissible combinations of banking operations for Non-bank credit institutions established by the Bank of Russia. Foreign bank – the bank established under the laws of a foreign country in whose territory it was registered. Banking system Russian Federation include the Bank of Russia, lending institutions, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

Interbank Portal

Interbank Portal

Inter-bank portal allrusbanks – Russian banks, deposits, loans, auto loans, mortgages, overdrafts, untied loans, loans for small and medium business, news, finance, a review of all modern banking services. Working with us you able to quickly and cost effectively get the money or invest it profitable. On our portal you can find the best banking product for yourself and your business. As we know information is one of the most valuable commodities. We are often faced with financial issues, making decisions which require possession of certain information. Large purchases, business development, education, and often require large investments of money funds.

If we have some capital, any person seeking to increase their income, looking for ways to his investments. Probably many of us are faced with a situation that many banks offer various conditions of service. And indeed it is difficult to find a suitable banking product in view of the huge number of banks. And quite often it turns out that we simply can not find the proposals that would be really beneficial. On our portal we will try to highlight the most profitable banking, news of the banking sector, financial news, that is, try to give you information with confidence, that it will be useful.