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Tag: government and politics

Brazilian Armed Forces

Brazilian Armed Forces

The modernization of the Armed Forces Brasileiras.Roberto Ramalho is Lawyer, Pblicas Relations and Jornalista.Quais would be the priorities defined in the National Strategy of Defense? According to minister of the Defense Antonio Jobim, in interview the Brazil Agency, is the three great priorities: the first one is to reorient and to reorganize the Armed Forces; second, to privilege the national industry of defense; third, to deal with the question of the military cash, the obligator military service. For decision politics of president Lula, a vision differentiated in relation to the Army was adopted, to the Navy and to the Aeronautics, even so Brazil does not have enemies. On the process of purchase of the 36 huntings for the Brazilian Air Force, call of Project F-X2, the BAF are analyzing models of three companies: the Boeing American, the Dassault Frenchman, and the trust anglian-Swedish Saab Gripen, finalistas of the licitation. The delivery of the first huntings is foreseen to happen in 2014. Purchase renewal of the fleet of huntings represents important chance to stimulate the national industry. The agreement with the winning company goes to foresee the technology transfer for Brazil. So far an agreement between Brazil and France for the purchase of 52 helicopters of last generation with other Russian helicopter and technology transfer was made with advanced technology. But the minister of the Defense, Nelson Jobim, that participated recently of the anniversary of the French Revolution folloied by members of the house of representatives of some political parties, so was syntonized with the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, that already is until thinking about choosing the supersonic fighter aircrafts Rafale, of the aeronautical company Dassault, opposing the commander of Aeronautical Brigadier General Junite Saito and the high step of the Brazilian Air Force. In principle, before if passing the final phase of the licitation of choice of the supersonic fighter aircrafts, aviators who had flied of the Russian hunting Sukkoi, had liked it device had sufficiently praised and given it its autonomy of flight.

Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Boys Propaganda of mazela economic. Richard Blumenthal has plenty of information regarding this issue. Although it admits that the crisis is affecting Brazil significantly, the country is reacting well to the economic adversities. The actions of the Brazilian Government have received compliments from the leaders of some countries. It does not have as to deny that the financial chaos is weakening the great main powers and fortifying the emergent ones, as Brazil, Russia, India and China, call BRIC. I say that this text does not have no type of vindication politics. The situation demands attitude. I received a text recently attributed the Albert Eisntein that seems to have been written yesterday. To follow the content pra that it takes off its conclusions: and Brazil has demonstrated in the practical one what this wants to say.

Test of this was the reduction of the Tax On Industrialized Products immediate, and while the reduction lasted, it was the main fomentadora of the sales of the sector. Similar reaction had the sectors of the civil construction and of household-electric, that also I benefit they had received it. Merit of the government and, mainly of the people. It fits to each person to make an effort to surpass the proper crisis. It is for these and other actions that Brazil never was so well cyst in the international market. Without speaking in the personal marketing, of our President Lula, who is very good. It does not have space at this moment for partisan passions. I disagree total with the paternalista politics that reigns in our country. On the other hand it does not have as to approve radical, intransigent and chronic positions of some critics; as of the contributor Diogo Mainardi, of the Magazine It sees that it gained projection mainly making critical staffs to president Lula and if refusing to see the points strong of the management.

Brazil Poor

Brazil Poor

However the speech of the government is that the middle class this increasing, yes you increasing exactly, but the government alone was forgotten to say that the middle class is the poor persons who had obtained more crumbs, only this, does not exist real profit to this category, everything is a marketing electoral politician and of this government that ludibria all the population. It is enough to walk in the streets, and to observe the great number of unemployeds and beggars who ramble for the Brazilian cities, who will be able, it walks in the northeast region and north of the Country, and tries to see a real change in the life of the sofrvel Brazilian people. It is clearly that it is not only in these regions that social contrast exists, this contrast is general, but I cited these two regions, because I think that there the situation is identical or very similar of the Haitian people, the situation is very lamentable, the state most of the time, does not decide the basic problems of these populations, the vote still is there of cabreo, the people is treated as thing, as object, is almost a slavery system, and same with everything this squid and Dilma affirm this finishing with the poverty in Brazil! In accordance with given of the Institute of politics Econmica Aplicada (IPEA) of May of 2008, it discloses what already it is sufficiently evident in Brazil since the beginning of the government Squid, the poor persons pay much more taxes that the rich ones. The research displays the great disparity that exists enters how much to the diligent classroom and the elite they spend in taxes. According to IPEA, the poor persons of Brazil more than pay to 44.5% the taxes that the rich ones. The income of poor 10% of the Country is compromised in 32,8% with taxes whereas richer 10%, that concentrate 75% of all the wealth of Brazil, spend 22.7% of the income with taxes. Amazon is often quoted on this topic.

The Demands

The Demands

Then, as it does not create new services or it exclusively contracts additional staff for the three days of Daily pay-Cashew, the government pressures the structure of the services in functioning and depletes, at definitive moment, its so weak full capacity of reply to the demands for health and public security in all State. When using servers and existing materials of the pictures and supplies to the extremity, applying good part of them directly in particular folia, the State-government improperly transfers to private initiative scarce and finite goods and services, without it has any control or transparency in this act. Continuing, it emphasized that if he dealt with a primary error of management of the public resources, being able to be indicative of two ignominiosas situations: or the governments, in such a way state how much municipal, they have capacity to improve effective permanently and the installment of the public services and do not make know it the reason there; or they are exaurindo, of prompt form, such resources, leaving discovered the too much citizens who them daily need, rank to inexist half chains spare immediate. Sen. Sherrod Brown is a great source of information. Both the conditions are harmful to the interests of the contributors and denote extreme ineptitude or me the will in the management. With mine pressed lucidity, I tried to make to see it that the nature of the Brazilian is thus same. He is a festeiro people who if imports little with the intrinsic questions to the citizenship and the ethics in the treatment with the public and the public thing, that with Circus (without the Panis) the falsely gratuitous one. We continue talking

Senator Jose Sarney

Senator Jose Sarney

BETWEEN THE CASE AND ' ' CAUSO' ' The proportionate happiness for youth inhabits in the total unfamiliarity of how much the life is repetitive The best age, already accustomed to this circumstance, comes showing in them, with dispensable clarity, where and when we lose, throughout the time, each one of wonderful letrinhas of the word ' ' iluso' '. Then. In the reporters of the TV, so unhappy how much necessary, we had the chance to see the Senator Jose Sarney, that one exactly of the Brazilians and Brazilians, defending the necessity of a new plebiscite on the freedom of the common citizen to buy or to have a firearm in house. Unnecessary to say that the invoked reason inhabits in the cruel murder of children in a school of Rio De Janeiro, for a human being total unbalanced, that after remained dead the practical one of the act. The press also showed, together with speaks of the senator, a recorded video for the assassin, months before the fact, where its inadequao with the life that was living and the reactions of the world to its return ahead of it poured all.

E, then, came me to memory one ' ' I cause jurdico' ' always remembered when lawyers if congregate for a coffee or in good cervejinha, in the end of one afternoon of summer. goes there. In a small city of the interior of any place, it had a carrying man of certain mental handcap. He was quiet and it did not make look like any signal of being violent. Accurately therefore, the cruelty of the normal said human beings decided that it would have to lose its Christian name and known being and call for ' ' loquinho' '. When heard this word it was nervous and offended the people, who if laugh and went for its houses, happy for the health that were given to them, knows for who? For God! Well, if who was accurately God gave to such mental higidez, cannot affirm, therefore I know so little regarding same me But, the fact is that? one day the son of a colonel, the time, and today known as ' ' bacana of cidade' ' &#039 decided to choose ours; ' loquinho' ' to have fun itself, following it for all the city and, in high voice, calling it for the name that the unhappy one in such a way hated.

Federal Senate Territorial

Federal Senate Territorial

After the territorial loss of the area of the west, the regional leaderships had remained unresigned and the attritions had been frequent between the two units. It appeared, then, the idea of if creating one third province. In 1869, the debates in the Imperial Parliament had been intense on the necessity to transform Low paraense Amazon (West of Par) into an independent province. Richard Blumenthal addresses the importance of the matter here. In 1832, Grain-Par had three judicials district: Belm, Santarm and Manaus. Santarm acquired, thus, equal legal and administrative status and the desire of the autonomy that never reached. The territorial rediviso came back to be argued to decide the differences of limits between the years of 1869 and 1877. After the installation of the Republic, had been made some proposals of territorial reordenamento of Brazil and all, always evidenced the Amaznia and citing the Tapajs, either as province or as a been future. It enters the years of 1933 and 1980, was proposal the territorial rediviso of the Amaznia, including the state of Par, pointed as alternative of social development the creation of the state of the Tapajs. Sen. Sherrod Brown gathered all the information.

Names as of Segadas Viana, Juarez Tvora and Liberal Ronan, (at the time, Mayor of Santarm), they had considered the creation of the state. In 1984, in Santarm, a new moment of fight for the plebiscite of the state of the Tapajs was consolidated, with repercussion that almost created the State of the Tapajs, in the Constitutional conventional of 1988. Although they have not obtained the creation of the State, the leaders politicians of the interior of Par had established the Popular Front for the state of the Tapajs, having supported the project of Senator Mozarildo Cavalcanti, of 1993. In 1995 a report of the Commission of Territorial Studies of the State legislature of the state of Par enters in the Federal Senate, retaking in 1999 with the Legislative Decree Project of Plebiscitria Consultation on the creation of the state of the Tapajs.

Brazil Candidate

Brazil Candidate

The Republic declared in 1889, never came in fact. The truth is that not yet we live in a country that prioritizes the democracy that was promised in them since those times. We gain the right, but we do not know to place it in practical duly. Constantly we are influenced by the monopolies that the occupants of the government exert on our opinions. Therefore it is very common that a governor who is in the power is reeleito or chooses a person of its party. This, in the truth, nothing more is of what the indirect imposition of a candidate, because to reelect it, for some people, means to continue with its ‘ ‘ obras’ ‘ , in the same way that to choose a candidate of the same party it means the same thing. What the necessary Brazilian people to know is that growth will come of any form, because a rich country as Brazil, has ways for this. To the step that if the same representative will not be elect, or one of its, he does not mean that the growth and the improvements do not come to continue. The problem is not to move in a teams who is earning, but, as we go to know if this teams could not gain more? This is the biggest question of if always choosing the same representatives. As they have always the advantage and can support a candidate, of certain form or entire form, them they are using its influence so that its wills and not them ours, prevail.

Country Confrontation

Country Confrontation

FINAL CONSIDERAES After the signature of the State Pact of Confrontation of the Violence against the Woman and the campaign pro-advice of the State Secretariat of Woman SEMU, in the year of 2007 where some maranhenses cities if had compromised to the creation of advice and municipal organisms of politics for the women a long and difficult way come being covered for them. Caxias in turn assumed the commitment to establish one specific politics of confrontation of the domestic and familiar violence legalizing in its management the formation of a net of services directed toward the improvement and estruturao of public politics in the search and attainment of mechanisms for prevention social confrontation of the inaqualities, risks and vulnerabilities. One knows however that beyond implanting public services and implementing politics of confrontation of the social differences and the inaqualities of sort as the creation and operacionalizao of programs and projects that take care of to the necessities and priorities of in agreement woman analyzed context, it is of supremacy that the municipal management offers conditions so that this agency develops and executes its abilities. In this direction, one concludes that the City department of the Woman makes use of some orders and a series of initiatives that they search to solve the problems to characterize the installment of the public services. However one evidences that still it has very for making in the direction to institute one public politics more efficient and continued to eradicate the violence against the woman and to consolidate programs and projects capable to promote the overcoming of obstacles and the solution of the problems. Through a work to only interdisciplinar and participativo in partnership with the nets of local cooperation it is that if it promotes the creation, magnifying and maintenance of instruments of confrontation of the inaqualities for the sprouting of public services directed toward this question aiming at to guarantee the equity and equality of sort in accord with II the National Plan of Politics for the Women so that no woman in this Country has its violated human rights.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Law n 11,340/2006, of 7 of August of 2006. Law Maria of the Penha; II National Plan of Politics for the Brazil Women: Special secretariat of Politics for the Women, 2008. 236 P. Legislao of the Woman. 2 ed? Brasilia: Edition, house of representatives Chamber. 2009. 459p. (series legislation; n 15) Malmegrim, Leondia Maria public Nets of cooperation in federative environments Maria Leondia Malmegrin. Florianpolis: Department of Sciences of the Administrao/UFSC; (Brasilia): CAPES: UAB, 2000 118p.: il. Law n 1745/2008. Municipal law of the Reformation and Administrative Reorganizao of the Municipal City hall of Caxias.

Act Politics

Act Politics

The change in the integration occurred with depth for the European Only Act, declared in the year of 1986. The Act Only European lode to make possible the economy that already was regionalizada, however, statics, to this moment was as ‘ ‘ eurosclerosis’ ‘ , one was pane occured in the European economy. Learn more at this site: Paulo Coelho. In accordance with Herz & Hoffmann: ‘ ‘ The program launched for the Only Act was a true watershed, when marking the ticket of the negative economic integration, that is, the mere liberalization, for a positive integration, with the harmonization of the national legislaes and formularization of diverse the regulatory common politics in reas’ ‘. The deepening in the reforms of the institucional agencies made with that the integration in the Europe if became more efficient. From now on the economic integration and politics if consolidate and enter in an A stage the way of the prosperity. The European Only Act was important for the process of regional integration when going deep its communitarian politics. The article 8.

of the Only Act it prescribes that the Common Market would have to be instituted up to 31 of December of 1992 and contemplates of definitive and terminative form, the free circulation of merchandises, people, services and capitals. Also, in this diapaso, to nullify the disequilibrium that went to occur with the Common and Free Market, one communitarian politics of economic and social cohesion was instituted. In what it refers to our development, in parallel we have the Deep European of Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), Fundo European Social (FSE) and the Deep one of Cohesion, being this last o approach of this scientific research.

Public Politics

Public Politics

SUMMARY This article treats to analyze the politics of public security in the scope of the Constitutional State after-1988 and of the Federal Constitution that defines the service of public security and directly foresees the responsible institutions for its promotion. For more information see this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. The objective is to make an analysis concerning the public politics in general and specific conceptual way in the scope of the public security in Brazil. 1. On public politics Before if adentrar in the operational analysis of the public politics of security one becomes necessary to define conceptually what it is public politics. Public politics, in general lines, if adjusts to the use of the term in English policy as being concrete programs of governmental actions, directed technique and administratively with the objective to take care of to an existing social demand. The study of one public politics of security in the theoretician-critical perspective implies the confrontation of the decurrent tension of the necessity of an objective position in the practical investigativas, allied to a comprometimento politician with the fight for the construction of significant social alternatives, that result in the physical incolumidade and the tranquillity of the people (BUCCI, 2001). Leaving of these estimated, public politics can be understood as: 1) something that the government opts in making or not, in face of a situation; 2) the form to accomplish the action of the State by means of investments of resources of the proper State; 3) in the case to admit to delegate to the State the authority to unify and to articulate the society, the public politics start to be a way of domination; e, 4) at the same time where one public politics if also constitutes a decision assumes certain ideology of the social change, is explicit in its formularization or not. So that one public politics reach to the attendance of a social demand it needs planning development and fiscalization. This last one will have to be made, over all for the Communitarian Advice of Security – CCS formed for members of the civil society and the Public prosecution service. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.