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Tag: government and politics

United States

United States

The meeting of the Rivers Negro and Solimes shows contrasts that go beyond the spectacle of the nature. We have many natural wealth but in the lack intelligence to usufruct. Of the Amaznia to the daily pay-salt ' ' boom' ' of the moment. The United States already are marking territory. the flora, dizem' ' migrar' ' distant places and to return molded to be consumed in its native land. We make use of it and nor we perceive how much it is familiar.

the nibio, valuable natural element, found in our territory for us pass unfurnished but to others not! Now would hidropirataria it comes it. It makes the ballast (weight so that the ship creates stability) in the ships with waters of the river Amazon. This is the objective. End point for the truth. Beginning of the myth. But when arriving at the destination they perceive that it is more than a ballast, and as wastefulness it is sin because not ' ' to stone ouro' ' to vender it? Consequentemente stabilizes it other people’s economy. Ah! If Victria queen was possible would hinder that they burlassem in waters where it exuberant victory regal mark presence as symbol of the Amaznia. They do not respect nor the done homage the English crown. If it will be truth will enter in the guideline of debates politicians, will turn same promise that later turns myth. That in them they exempt of myths therefore they are immortal.

Public Administration

Public Administration

Strategical management of costs of you rent of property in the public administration: Application in the secretariat of planning of the state in a city of the north of mines. 2. SUMMARY the present work has for objective to show to the public in general, how much our government spends with expenditures of rents in public property in the city of Salt mines-MG. To have an idea, the Union paid in 2010, R$63milhes to the month, for property rented in all the country and even in the exterior. In the addition, R$756,3 millions had been expenses with location expenditures. The value represents increase of 19% in relation to the previous year.

According to site Contas Opened, since 2002, R$4,3 billions had been more than spent to arcar with the location of rooms building, houses and even spaces for parties and events used for on agencies to the three to be able. This money would be enough to construct about 174 a thousand popular houses of R$25 a thousand. In Minas Gerais, Acio Governor Snows, decided to innovate, creating the Administrative City. With the present public administration in only local one, ones of the main ineficincias of the physical structure of the government, until then, spread in 53 different places, some of old them and that they did not offer more adequate conditions to the good exercise of its professional activities had been cured. The conception architectural defined for the areas of work of the administrative city was established from a based managing plan in three pillars: infrastructure, standardization and integration. In the city of Salt mines, state public agencies are sixteen, being that three of them, the Municipal City hall assume the rent and the others three, possess proper headquarters and the others that do not have proper building, pay expensive rents and that they could also create an Administrative Unit or Public Administration in one alone place.



By means of catastrophes, employees who had never appeared, appear of the nothing with inoccupation order. The responsibility falls again on the people who had constructed there. But, it is clearly! Where already casinha in an improper place was seen to raise its. For where we go? We do not know Has order and it does not have solution I finish, concluding: – who is vocs, beyond used of the people? – that to be able is this that so wrong says that it has, if depends on the people to be there? – that petulance is this to determine ' ' it fulfills-se' ' only after the disasters appearing when people they are swallowed by the rivers that if they form with floods? – that inactivity is this that does not obtain or does not want to anticipate? – that people are our governing that keep the highest taxes, without nothing to offer? – the house falls but the IPTU comes the river overflows but the account of the water does not leave to arrive the apago if it installs but the light is charged – the calls of the paulistanos so that they cut the branches of the trees that already had exceeded wires, with fall fear simply are ignored: nobody appears! The citizen although to act gratuitously as fiscal, perpetual is ignored Ah So Paulo, my So Paulo, had forgotten you! The hope to find ability was with water of the torrent died as as many people had died the incapacity and incompetence is so great that then the more important city of the South America remains 10 in the darkness, 12 hours Because? Because the pole fell. Because? The tree knocked down. Because? It does not have people to control, to separate, to study, to verify which the healthy trees and which the ones that are you give to fall.

The streets are closed for particular with improvised stairs, cardboard boxes, preventing that cars fall in craters or collide with what fell because does not have employees that they can take care of to as many calls. To Mr. Governador Jose Mountain range To Mr. Mayor Gilbert Kassab To Mrs. Sub-Mayor Soninha, of the Lapa They answer me: where they work? How they fill the life? Nobody is fully happy if it will not have nothing to make. They see the example of the pensioners: they run behind something to make not to die of tdio. I make estapergunta therefore, certainly is not with the functions that the people gave to them that lingers e, who gave, it takes off! Evidently, one more time I must be wrong therefore to keep status, of the work, n? is therefore that I do not wait reply: not they will have time to read or to answer and nor to command that the secretary of the secretary of the secretary of the secretary if charges of this Picture me: I am made a mistake. Nothing of the displayed one it has reason of being: the mother nature is that she is guilty. Also with as much rain who supports?



BECAUSE TO VOTE IN DILMA ROUSSEFF IN 2 TURN OR: IT BRAZIL TO CONTINUE MOVING! ' ' The hope has two pretty children, the indignation and the courage; the indignation teaches in not to accept them the things as they are; the courage, the dumbone; '. (Saint Augustin, theological philosopher/) ' ' Nor all witch is corcunda and nor all Brazilian is alone bunda' '. (Rita Lee, composer and singer of rock) We at the beginning write two texts of the year. First ' ' BECAUSE NOT TO VOTE IN JOSE SERRA' ' as ' ' DILMA OR MARINA? HERE IT IS THE QUESTION! ' ' The two had been published in the site (Antonio Mrcio Melo). According to operators of the site, the first text was read 13843 times up to 06/10, with 85 commentaries, duly read and answered for it writes that you. Already as the text was read 889 times and only 3 commentaries, also read and answered.

It has some reasons that take in them to vote in Dilma Rousseff in this as turn. We go they. The first one of all, clearly, is the fact of it to be woman. We find, as citizens and formadores of opinion, that the fights of the women in favor of the humanitarian causes and for a society more joust are and will be always most ethical and transparent. Second, because they more are educated and gentile of what we, the males. We also find that we must help them in the continuation of the fights in defense of important flags as: the rescue of the public education of quality for all, the rights of them for the use of its body, the life and the ambient preservation, that are right human beings. The women, during centuries, had been seen and understood under four prisms: the she-ass, the witch, puta and the saint.



I knew and I know many politicians for vocation, ones already had been even so, but they had left fighting to form gardens, others, exactly with advanced age, had not lost the will to form gardens, its lives had always been and continue to be a hope reason (…) It has a difference between vocation and profession. In the vocation the person finds the happiness in the proper action. In the profession the pleasure if finds not in the action, but yes in the profit that of it if drift. The man moved for the vocation is one gotten passionate. The vocational one is as a man who makes love for the joy to love. Already the professional does not love the woman.

It loves the money that receives from it. Gigol is one. The gardener for vocation loves the garden of all. The gardener for profession uses the garden of all to construct its private garden, despite, so that this happens, it has that to increase to its redor desert the suffering. Thus it is that the true politician differs itself from the false politician. The first one thinks about eternities, already as, in ‘ minutos’. Who thinks about minutes does not have patience to sow trees. A tree takes many years to grow.

He is more lucrative to cut them. Our future depends on this fight between politicians for vocation and politicians for profession. If the politicians for vocation if to possess of the garden, will be able to start to trace a new destination.



VOTE AND DEMOCRACY the commentator of the periodical of the morning of a great net of TV not ahead said that to explain the electoral system of Brazil for an foreigner because, according to it, nobody understands as if it can vote in a candidate and choose another one. To make a commentary of this it only can be uninformed or badly intentioned, therefore the adopted proportional system in Brazil for elections of the legislative one also is used in many countries. Its defenders affirm that he is more just because he allows the election of representatives of ' ' minorias' ' values the political parties. The proportional system does not satisfy to the Brazilians for some reasons, between them the form of as the parties direct the electoral propaganda for the person of the candidate in detriment of the partisan program. From there the figure of the candidate vedete. The party chooses as many candidates how much the times that to reach the electoral quotient. If the candidate to leave the party, loses the mandate and will be substituted by another one with much less sanctions next to the voters.

Therefore the voter if feels been deceptive by this propaganda that manipulate information, disfara ideology and, over all, widely does not divulge the list of its candidates. One of the arguments in favor of the proportional system is of that it values the parties and fortifies the democracy, allowing the participation of the minorities in the exercise of the power. It would be good if it was truth. In Brazil it happens with the political parties the same that he happens with the unions, do not need filiados. A half dozen of compadres is enough, a statute bought in stationery store or copied of the Internet, it register in notary’s office and ready, it is born plus a party.

Electoral Superior Court

Electoral Superior Court

for 13/06/2011 steps GAB03 16:36 Received 13/06/2011 SJ-GAB 11:36 Sent for GAB03. CONCLUSION TO THE REPORTER – JUDGE FLVIO YARSHELL. 10/06/2011 SJ-GAB 16:41 Received 09/06/2011 CAD 15:59 Sent for SJ-GAB. for 09/06/2011 steps CAD 15:59 Release of the distribution. Automatic distribution in 09/06/2011 08/06/2011 JUDGE FLVIO YARSHELL CAD 18:20 Litigated – Rp n 1195-08.2011.6.26.0000 08/06/2011 CAD 18:08 Received 08/06/2011 SCPG 17:48 Directed for 08/06/2011 CAD SCPG 17:43 08/06/2011 registered Document SCPG 16:54 Protocolled Distribution/Redistribution Date Type Reporter Justification 09/06/2011 automatic Distribution FLVIO YARSHELL Forwarding Interlocutory judgement in 16/06/2011 – RP N 119508 JUDGE FLVIO YARSHELL ‘ ‘ Visas. Considering how much determined for the C. the Electoral Superior Court, in the judgment of the Question of Order taken to the Plenary assembly in Representation n 981-40, in session carried through in last day 9/6/2011; considering still how much determined for this the E.

Court, in files of legal documents of the Representation n 16,792 – that one to proclaim inapplicable in the species the rule of art. 96 of 9504/97 Law and the other to follow such orientation – I recognize ex-officio incompetence of this E. Electoral Regional Court and determine the sending of a court file for the judgment of the electoral zone where situated the domicile of the giver or the place where if it finds the headquarters of the legal entity. I observe, for opportune, to be inapplicable the rule of perpetuation (CPC, art. 87) for the wise cases already, in view of that the agreement of the C. Electoral Superior Court says respect the hierarchic ability. They are summoned. So Paulo, 16 of June of 2011.

Brazilian Politician

Brazilian Politician

But, after hearing as much joke in the schedule politician, to arrive well humorada it would be easy if it obtained to leave of side my conscience. Conscience that lacks the much candidate who considers the ignorant people and if of the right o to occupy its time with jokes instead of presenting work proposals. Conscience that lacks to the voter who votes in candidates whom they do not possess if he wants a proposal, but is creative to make joke with the face of the people. Who is imported has people liveing in the street, has child asking for alms, father unemployed? To make career in the politics future is guaranteed. None politician will need to work 35 years and if to retire with minimum wage. Neither it will need to give the ENEM to have the possibility to enter a University for the PROUNI. Study it is not requirement to be politician.

Without study, the Brazilian does not obtain to be gari in this country, but he can be politician. To be public officer she is necessary to give competition. the positions politicians, do not belong to the same category? It would not be just to also submit them to some type of evaluation? I am imagining how many candidates would be disapproved. This yes is joke. Still more funny it is to hear of the parties that the Education is priority when it has innumerable candidates with precarious formation having the possibility of a well remunerated promising career and.

The account, certainly will go for the voters, or has not voted in them. The truth is that all pay the price. This is democracy? Better to say demagogy.

Regional Integration

Regional Integration

An ambient dimension in the inaquality also exists, still for gaining visibility and recognition public politician, for the consequent creation of public politics directed to the confrontation of this problematic one. the socioambiental conflict is the clear expression of this ambient dimension of the inaquality, polarizing social citizens in anti-symmetrical conditions of access to the power, and in this context, the ambient politics can blunt as an element of distributive justice, adding it excessively the distributive politics. (LAYRARGUES, 2009, p.23) In this context if it inserts the PDRS Xingu in a region of significant territorial abrangncia with the objective to improve indices of quality of life, providing creation of democratic spaces where the popular participation is axle in the power to decide processes. Technical the Plan presents an inversion in the logic of exploration of the natural resources, clearly inserting the region in a context of exploration of the natural resources, that is, demonstrating to the investor the respective potentialities, however in contrast to previous moments, it searchs to guarantee the reinforcement of the popular participation in this context of development. In accordance with the Secretariat of Regional Integration: All the economic activities of the region represent job sources and income, therefore, the plan goes to search in the base of the activities the incentive that lacks. Beyond structuralizing and fortifying the local economic bases is necessary to value the knowledge of the traditional populations? many work in familiar or communitarian production – that they can help in the manipulation of the available natural resources and promote its use sustainable. (PAR, 2009, P.

32). Between foreseen actions to benefit to all the local population, are relative a have carried, communication and information, energy, storage, health, education, social assistance, habitation, basic sanitation, public security, agrarian regularization, agrarian reform, among others. From there the importance of its execution and the participation of the community in favor of the improvement of the quality of life.

Renato Dobelin

Renato Dobelin

To cite an incredulity case, I came across myself with a sad notice, therefore a father (Leobino Dobelin), with pain in the heart and with much indignation, outdoors launched several to remember the anniversary of the death of the son, Renato Dobelin (34 years) in Sumar (SP), therefore after three years still that one in case that he were not refined. In the billboard, it has a photo of the youngster asking to the father if the outlaws had assassinated who it already were in the chain and, in the photo of the father he has a reply in relief form: ‘ ‘ not my son, in this country is more easy here to pass a camel for the deep one of a poor needle of what having justia’ ‘. He is really lamentable. Worse it is to know that thousands of Leobinos exist that are for the country waiting for justice, therefore unscrupulous people take off the life of its children In proliferating of the indignation we can cite others as many situations, beyond the justice lack, it register others, as the abusive collection of taxes.

We live in a time where the citizen if to gain a little more than the minimum wage has that to pay for everything. About many moments already I thought about even though releasing to work, therefore great part of what if it earns goes for the public coffers and in good we know of how many shunting line cases. Another situation, in the truth a continuation of what we write, says respect to the abuse of being able and the will of ‘ ‘ ferrar’ ‘ the good citizen. I do not want to write to complain me of a fine of the operation of carnival of the Road Policy, but the form as the boardings for the policemen are made and the places that they choose are clear and well-known that makes to prosper the machine of the fines, therefore where must fine and would have to be – they are not – who leads most worse is always we them citizens. I do not enter in the merit of the education that is our field, where also we find many situations that discourage.

E what to say of the public health? The Campaign of the Fraternity that says. Expensive readers at many moments is necessary to have indignation and to desestabilizar the common sense that imagines that everything goes well. But it is not well thus! In this beginning of electoral campaign it distrusts of who presents ready prescription for everything; of who it lives making favors (in one determined moment it will have collection) and also distrusts of who only knows to play the easy role of the opposition, therefore with certainty when it will be situation history will be another one. We go to open the eyes, therefore what we need it is to fix this immense and blessed Brazil.