Republic Population

Republic Population

He nailed to the necessity of base reforms and the implantation of a syndicalistic republic. (One mixture of bolchevismo with fascism). It sleeps, with this racket! In March of 1964, the clutter and the intranquilidade if had generalized. The Country became champion world-wide of strikes, and increased the threats of intervention of armed groups. The part had focos of revolt for all, and what it seems incredible, stimulated for the Central Power. In 13 if March, in the Central office of Brazil, Rio De Janeiro, in gigantic assembly, with the presence of President Joo Goulart, was promised ' ' reforma' ' , in the law or marra.

The destination of the Nation oscillated between bad and the peor. The population most cautious gave beginning to a reaction: it promoted, with the aid of the clergy, great ' ' March of the family, with God, for the Liberdade' ' , civic-patriotic movement that it intended to clarify the Brazilian population how much to the necessity of if preventing that it was installed, here, a dictatorship anarchical-Communist. In the closing of Marcha, the Senator Calazans Priest was tachativo: ' ' Here they are more than 500 people to say the president of the Republic that Brazil wants the democracy, and not it tiranismo vermelho' '. It was there that Castello Branco appeared, a pertaining to the state of Cear general who, with strong pulse and strategical decision, it restored the order it disciplines and it, and it saneou the focos of corruption, by means of the Revolution of 31 of March. For conseguiz it, it annulled civil laws, it arrested subversive, it occupied security ranks, it botou the troops in the street and supported the regiments headquartered in Minas Gerais, that had been first a if to insurgirem. In the form of the Institucional Act n0 1, ' ' the Constituent Power if legitimizes by itself.

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