Maria Vydrenkova
Due to the decision for 3 years the share of Russian production has grown to 90%. But Although the war for incandescent lamps had been won, the winner turned out to be China, managed by the moment when the world began to abandon incandescent lamps, a firm foothold in the market of compact fluorescent lamps. Will domestic manufacturers to win back his place there at least within the Russian market? Many experts consider this question. The fight for market energy-saving bulbs in Russia has not even begun. There is practically no plants producing cfl. If we imagine that overnight Russia would abandon foreign-made lamps, it is estimated the company Philips, for the full transition to energy-saving bulbs will need to build more than 60 plants worth about $ 1.3 billion, yet all produced in our compact fluorescent lamps – an assemblage of Chinese components.
True, the firm Osram plans to organize the production of energy-saving lamps Smolensk, but the reverse situation in the Russian market "green" sources of illumination, they are unlikely. According to experts, to build in Russia the company full-cycle production of cfl unprofitable. "And yet to be cheap Chinese parts, the situation will not change "- said Maria Vydrenkova, director of marketing and advertising company Topservice" that promotes "Cosmos" to place orders in China. Now Russia has no specialists required profile, nor the equipment (and hence its need to purchase overseas), or experience in the industry. Therefore, most likely the lamp produced by Russian plants, will be more expensive than Chinese, for comparable quality.