The Black Orchid

The Black Orchid

The structure of the poems is as follows: first register a poem of Juana and then response; so there is two titles in each delivery * the small flame I feel for light a love of wild. Each small flame I love and appalled; It is not, each fire, a chalice that collects heat from the souls that pass on his journey? There are a few tiny, blue, trembling, the same as the taciturn and good souls. There are other almost white: glares of lilies. There are other almost rojas: spirits of roses. I respect and adore the light as if it were a thing that lives, that feels, who meditates, a being that he contemplates us transformed into bonfire. So, when I die, I must be a little flame of infinite sweetness to your side for your long nights of desolate lover. * FIRE I was born with fire shaking my veins, in flames of fire volcanoes they germinated, but fear not, beloved does not want my fire burn and devour his voracious snake wants to protect your hands that were flame of marble eyes, light flame, your mouth, Nard flame wants my fire show the power and the love wild we have men with the soul of asbestos I am, my love, the desolate lover your infinite on my pillow sweetness light blinks my fire is domestic, kneels before the flame of pink and violet Pink White withered how big does my fire when tremble with cold when heat trepida and vomits flames of stone in the syncopated darkness nights when it explodesFearsome Attila in your quartz light to hug you in a single breath of death beyond my open fist of conquered vandal beyond original author and source of the article.

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