Symbolic Games

Symbolic Games

It will be in the verbalizao of this manipulating experience that will take advantage the construction of the thought, as it is known, until the 5 or 6 years the child bases its knowledge of the reality in the symbolic game. By means of the game it explores its environment, it imitates it and it dominates it. Of this form, the professor will have to develop activities that involve situations of symbolic games, initiating for the different types of language lived deeply by the children, such as: The spontaneous language it is based on the free colloquy, between two or more people on a subject that appears of the formularization of an initial question on the part of one of the interlocutors. In the classroom the situations of colloquies, occur between the children or the educator and the child. In this direction, the professor must create situations that make possible this spontaneous dialogue between the children or he himself. The half-spontaneous language says is them provoked for an indication.

The reply, even so conditional, it can be interpreted of some forms, are the language games. For the child, it has educative character of the phonetic, morfossinttico and semantic point of view, data allow that them: to exert the control of its fonador device; to hear intently to choose the sound or the word adjusted in an intriguing phrase; to pronounce well to be understood, etc. They are examples of half-spontaneous language the linguistic games, such as: Mimticos games is the reproduction of the noises that occur around of the classroom, in the school, the street, etc. in form of mimic; different games of articulatria agility, words that start with one definitive sound, words with few formal variations and meanings, etc.; tonais games with intensity or volume variation to imitate a flock or an car if moving away, or arriving, to guess mimic speaking fast, to imitate situations of visits to the sick one, just been born, etc.

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