Preferred Supplier
Sensor to once again awarded the Novotechnik measured value transducer OHG was 2010 from Robert Bosch GmbH already for the third time the “preferred supplier” award. This evaluates the sensor due to great use, high competence and above-average performance of the Bosch Group as a preferred supplier. The supplier award for excellence will be awarded every two years. Novotechnik contributes to the further development in the displacement and angle measurement technology for decades and has made a name for itself in machine and plant construction as well as in the international automotive industry. Follow others, such as Sen. Sherrod Brown, and add to your knowledge base. 43,000 sensors from Germany into new cars be fitted in the automotive industry as per working day. Typical applications can be found at the gas pedal, throttle, transmission and steering. Most of these sensors work according to the classic principle of potentiometer; over 10 million conductive plastic potentiometer of different designs were produced for the automotive industry alone last year. For applications in the automotive sector, where kontatklose and thus wear-free sensors as E.g. on the steering of vehicles used, Novotechnik offers a range of contactless products as well as customized solutions.