Heavens Gate
The concept of Heaven's Gate directly intersect with the definition of the Zodiac ii. Let's look at that under a second means the Zodiac. This is the Zodiac takes a really unusual in a man. And he opened not for all people. First Zodiac or our usual Zodiac – determines the law for our embodied world. A second or upper Zodiac Zodiac for the world is not embodied or Upper World, the world of ideas, which only has a reflection (some projection) in our world. And so people who have seen the Upper Zodiac really are people from another world. To some extent our world for them would be even stranger.
The upper world – it may enter only those people who have a horoscope planets are located at the intersection of two First signs of Zodiac (for example between the sign of Scorpio and Sagittarius). For them for a short time the doors of Heaven, or Heaven's Gate. People born with this indicator, the presence of manifestations of the Upper Zodiac, always under close supervision because through them manifested upper world, the palaces of the Angels, Divine power. But their lives are much harder and more daunting moral choice than conventional people. These are the people who won karma. First, the karma you need to know. Karma runs itself – gender, tree, law of cause – effect relationship. And only then given the opportunity to break the ring of this karma. So, each sign of the Upper Zone of the Zodiac to 7.5 degrees from the boundary of each sign of the ordinary, our zodiac, ie to 15 degrees in total.