Film Materials

Film Materials

Creation of technological processes of plastic materials from synthetic polymers represents one of the greatest achievements of modern industry. Films have a significant place in the overall balance production of polymeric materials and their production is growing every year, surpassing the rate of development of other products. Most species are large-films based on polyolefins (2 / s total production), primarily polyethylene, and PVC and its derivatives, polyethylene, cellophane and cellulose acetate. Getting the film coatings is a key element in the process of creating various types of artificial leather. Therefore, the total consideration of specific processes in the industry of artificial leather is advisable to start with an analysis of technological schemes for forming polymeric film materials. Light industry produces multiple film materials, mainly based on two polymers – PHH and PE using to modify the properties of the films of compositions based on these polymers and thermoplastic elastomers, acrylonitrile rubbers, polyisobutylene, etc. In small quantities, also produces films based on mixed polyamides and polyethylene terephthalate. The largest share of the light industry account for elastic and rigid PVC film, the materials that get into a monolithic, porous, porous monolithic and perforated design. In some cases, in addition to conventional high-strength film received, which reinforced polymer nets made of synthetic fibers. The polymer film materials are intended primarily for the manufacture of consumer goods, social amenities, etc., including leather goods-GOVERNMENTAL products (bags, suitcases of rigid film, etc.), raincoats, for decoration and making the inside of the shoe manufacturing curtain and lace products, lighting materials (lamp shades, lampshades, lamps, etc.) to create bookbinding and other materials for the printing industry for the manufacture of baby carriages, toys, interior trim for cars, airplanes, furniture, etc.

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