

Thus, the end is not clear, firstly, in what order to acquire land in the ownership of individual entrepreneurs who have these plots of land on the right of inheritable possession for life, and secondly, whether on such land imposed by law on “dacha amnesty” presumption of law property, and finally, thirdly, if we assume that the “dacha amnesty” does not apply to the acquisition of the property entrepreneurs of land from the agricultural lands, that they possess the right of inheritable possession for life, then what about the land not because of agricultural land either belonging to other categories of land? It seems that in these cases should apply the norms of the Law on “dacha amnesty”. If the basis for the spread of “dacha amnesty” to put a sign of lack of citizen possessing land, business activities associated with its use, it can lead to a rather unfortunate consequences, distorting the meaning and substitute standards of the Act..

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