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Four Spanish Soldiers

Four Spanish Soldiers

Two soldiers have suffered the amputation of a leg. As a lieutenant and three soldiers (in addition to the interpreter). Another of the wounded presents a fracture in a leg. Four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter were injured to explode an explosive device at the passage of a shielded Lynx where he traveled, in the vicinity of Ludina (Afghanistan), and that was part of a patrol of recognition of known as route Lithium. Sources from the Ministry of Dnsa have reported that as a result of the explosion were injured the five occupants of the shielded: a Lieutenant, three soldiers and a civilian interpreter. The Lieutenant, who responds to the initials A.G.B.

and soldier J.G.L., present more serious injury, have been transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Bala Murghab and have suffered the amputation of a leg in each case. Another of the soldiers, A.Q.S., has also underwent surgery and is in the same hospital, with wounds and fractures in one leg. In the next few hours, the Lieutenant and the A.Q.S. soldier will be transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Herat, managed by the Spanish troops, while the J.G.L. soldier will be brought to the Role 3, of Kandahar hospital.

The other two wounded, I.M.I. soldier and the interpreter, suffered various bruises and have been transferred to the hospital in Herat, where have been stabilized. The Lieutenant and two soldiers belong to the Soria 9 Infantry Regiment, with headquarters in Fuerteventura while soldier J.G.L. is 47 light infantry regiment, with headquarters in Palma de Mallorca. According to sources of Dnsa, since last year, Spanish troops operate in Afghanistan only with the new RG-31 armoured and armoured means Lynx, vehicles that replaced the old BMR. Currently, the Spanish contingent deployed in the ISAF in Afghanistan mission has 67 armored RG-31 and 131 vehicles Lynx, all of them equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies. Dnsa, Carme Chacon, Minister has personally informed don Juan Carlos and the President, Luis Jose Rodriguez Zapatero. 19 attacks since their deployment in 2002 with this explosion are now 19 attacks suffered by Spanish troops in this country since its deployment in 2002, although they did not begin to occur until 2006. In these 19 attacks, including this Saturday, have died ten soldiers, an interpreter and an Afghan child, while 32 soldiers and two civilians, both interpreters, have been injured from different consideration. In addition, other 79 military personnel have died in air accidents (62 on the claim of the Yak-42 and 17 crash the helicopter they were traveling near Herat), while two others have died in two separate traffic accidents and another by a myocardial infarction. Source of the news: four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter are injured in an attack in Afghanistan

Metro Movement

Metro Movement

Patxi has come from Asturias just to be this Sunday in Madrid and speak out for the future that awaits people young. What little we have achieved social welfare want to remove it, he said. Support the 15-M movement, although there is a risk, as it has already happened, that will filter out violent and distorting the meaning of the same, warned Pachi, who added: I hope that this has continuity. The real anti-establishment are politicians, who are those who have broken the system. Dove, carrying a banner with the phrase I wish to be indigna, said he had come to the fly by my future and that of all of us to protect it, dnderlo and improve it. The 15-M movement seems a necessary, unique and innovative mobilization, and although we cannot know where will address all this, will continue actively participating in it, he recounted. Southeast Southeast column column left Getafe at 10.00 hours towards the District of Villaverde in Madrid, Legazpi and Atocha, to finish in Neptune. At the height of Legazpi, the protesters numbered more than 4,000 people.

In this March was Ricardo Vicent, a stand of 34 years to stay in the street by not being able to pay the rent. Each can contribute their bit to this movement, he said. I claim especially the dation in payment and reform electoral and working, since I’m in total disagreement with the political class in this country, said Ricardo. This column this column marched from 10.30 h of the Metro of Villa de Vallecas to Madrid and its route included Sierra de Guadalupe, Alto del Arenal, Puente de Vallecas to pass by Atocha Neptune’s path. Puente de Vallecas joined hundreds of outraged that came from Moratalaz. In total, more than 5,000 people were concentrated from this point to March together into the center of the capital.

This column was marching Eva Conesa, 39, teacher in a public school. It came accompanied by her mother. I believe that democracy is undermined and therefore support this motion. Believe that with voting every four years is enough and do what they want with our votes. Today, all that matters are the markets and the economy, and the policy is to serve them, said Eva. Their parents are also involved in the movement. He was my father, of 73 years, participating in assemblies, who told me that you come today. Eva is opposed to the privatization of public services, something that affects her for her work. Also from Vallecas left Diego Gorraiz, 40 years and Professor of a Centre for the disabled. He and his family are in favor of 15-M: support the movement from the beginning because we like to see people were United and finally created a debate. We are still very precarious in the Democratic field. What is important is that citizens are the ones who have the power, but we have to believe us it. West column finally, the March called West began in the Debot Temple at 11.00 h to continue by calle Bailen, Puerta de Toledo Glorieta de Atocha, ambassadors and finally arrived at Neptune. Device of the Government delegation in Madrid police coordinated a large police presence, consisting of hundreds of officers, which were deployed from early in the morning by different areas of Madrid, especially in the vicinity of the Congress of Deputies. Source of the news: A tide of indignation takes Madrid and requests a rrendum for October 15

International Trade Union Confederation

International Trade Union Confederation

The mobilizations against the proposal agreed by PSOE and PP and taken into consideration on Tuesday at the Congress with the support of UPN, begin today same in all Spain with concentrations in cities such as Palma de Mallorca, Valencia and Zaragoza. The protests will continue Thursday in Caceres, Badajoz, Santender, Almeria, Malaga, Seville, Pamplona or Guadalajara, among other places. Two major unions and other social organizations have also organized a large demonstration in Madrid for next September 6. For its part, the 15-M movement has called also a protest Thursday at 19 h. The calendar remains in this manner: August 31: rallies and demonstrations in Palma de Mallorca, Valencia and Zaragoza. September 1: rallies and demonstrations in Caceres, Badajoz, Santander, Almeria, Malaga, Seville, Murcia, Pamplona, Guadalajara, Cuenca, Toledo, Logrono, etc.

5 September: rallies and demonstrations in Asturias. September 6: large demonstration in Madrid. Rallies and demonstrations in Barcelona and Bilbao. 17 September: demonstration in Poland coinciding with the meeting of the Ecofin Council, convened by the European trade unions and as a rejection of European economic policies. 6 October: Spain anticipates the celebration of world day for decent employment with assemblies in the morning at work centers from around the country and demonstrations in the afternoon. October 7: celebrates the world AI for decent employment D. It convenes the International Trade Union Confederation.

Measures of work on the other hand, trade unions have been rrido to the latest measures taken by the Ministry of labour, including the adoption of a new training contract, you have qualified contract trash and a frankenstein of the model version German. The decisions taken in the Council of Ministers last Friday, has asserted Toxo, will be the failure of Social Security. For Candido Mendez, suspension of the limit to the chaining of temporary contracts represents a blatant contralectura of what the Government did in labour matters a year ago. The Executive said, is like a small cat that is entangled with a skein and is unable to leave and has ensured that none of these two initiatives will serve to improve the youth employment. Moreover, both leaders have warned against any possible movement against labour rights in order to attract and satisfy some groups in rrencia to the nationalists, who claim issues such as removing the ultraactividad of collective agreements (which will not renew automatically after its validity). In terms of social dialogue and its relationship with the Government, Mendez has said that trade unions have located it in the query and not by prudence in the negotiation, although Toxo has secured already not giving or for consultations because it is not only a matter of time, but also on reliability. Terms of reform this Thursday morning, at 14 h, ends the period for the submission of amendments to the proposal for reform and on Friday will be discussed and will vote in the Congress of Deputies; week that comes, the text will come to the Senate and once approved there, within fifteen days opens if there is sufficient support to ask a rrendum.