How to speed up your metabolism if you lose weight or build muscle, you definitely want to see the results of their labors as soon as possible. This article is about how to accelerate this process, namely how to accelerate the exchange of substances in the body. What affects metabolism? Affect the metabolism genes, place of residence (at the southern people metabolism better than the residents of the north), food and d.r.Bolshinstvo factors we can not change, but good nutrition will accelerate the metabolism. So let's begin. What to eat? Omega-3 fatty acids. In the fatty acids present, leptin (the hormone that regulates energy metabolism), it is present in fish. If you do not like fish, buy fish oil in the pharmacy in capsules or in a bubble. Note the percentage of omega-3, the more the better (10 capsules cost 50 rubles.
And more). Fish oil should be consumed by one capsule after meals (optional) for 30 days, followed by take a break (3 courses per year is sufficient). Water Water is involved in the metabolism of a person consists of 89% water. Drink clean water, preferably with no gas and dyes. Water should be drunk by the formula 35 g per 1 kg of weight, ie 35 * 70 = 2450 It is desirable, if 1500 g to clean water, and 950 g of water will flow to us from soups, teas and coffees. When we eat protein foods with protein, the body is not only consumes a useful substance, but also burns calories at the same time.
Lack of protein leading to decrease in metabolism. To know what is the minimum amount of protein you should eat per day to 0.79 (coefficient of age 20 years) * 1 kg of weight, ie 0.79 * 70 = 55.3, the mean, the day I need to eat 55. 3 g protein. It is worth remembering that for one meal to digest only 80 grams of protein. The proteins contained in the cottage cheese, eggs, milk, nuts, chicken. Vitamins. Buy a course of vitamins in the pharmacy, drink them regularly. Vitamins are not only strengthen the immune system, but also accelerate metabolism in the cells themselves Green tea Drink green tea in the morning. Green tea speeds up the heart (increases metabolism). Advantages of green tea weight, all those who lead a healthy lifestyle, drink it, this wonderful drink. Cellulose Fiber – a fiber that form the basis of plants. Those who eat fiber-rich foods are at lower risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Calcium. Calcium found in dairy products, so eat them with joy. Do not like milk? There is a way out! Buy in a pharmacy course of calcium with vitamin D3 (it better promotes the assimilation). Eat in the morning! Proper breakfast will give you success on all day and will accelerate metabolism. Other factors affecting the speed of metabolism. Sun. Sun is vitamin D, good mood and activity. Vitamin D regulates calcium absorption of minerals. Exercise. Any physical activity burns fat, causes the body to rebuild muscle, thereby accelerating the metabolism. Remember good metabolism – this is one of the components of good health!