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Natural Prosperity

Natural Prosperity

do 5 tips to align you with your natural prosperity by Olivia Reyes question: Olivia, took almost a year without work, for a while it seemed that already it will, already had signed all the papers, with an acceptable salary, a place that I liked and think? as I don’t have legal papers to work in this country, didn’t me work, my husband this in the same situation. I try to upload my energies, this year has been very difficult in the United States, by the crisis we are going through closed the company where we worked, then try to open a business, which I never had profits and decided to close it and now I could not find work, I try not to be angry, desperate and other, because also I have to help my husband, then is it discouraged a bit, tell me who else I can do to get out of this hole help me please!. Response; Hi, thanks for your post here is my answer: I think that you feel very sad, your words denote sadness and impotence and that only attracts more of the same. At Sen. Sherrod Brown you will find additional information. In addition, pretend like you’re happy will have no in this case because happiness and the hope found in the highest part of the scale while the sadness and impotence are at the opposite pole.What you can do is begin to raise your vibrations slowly and for this I recommend you carry out the following actions/exercises: take a few days if necessary to feel every emotion, you realize if really the feeling is enhanced because it means that if you are raising your vibration. No matter where you are in the vibrational level, you can raise your vibration and revert your financial situation if you do you need to feel better > part of the scale impotence Tip #1-angry you as all your physical efforts have not served anything, (put a business that was not and have not found employment), that means that you’ve been acting without first aligning your energies and as a result of acting in misalignment you are attracting more of the same, despite all your efforts. .

Thurman Gurdjieff

Thurman Gurdjieff

Ask yourself what is it that makes you feel alive, and then go and get it. Because what the world needs are people who feel alive, with mood.Howard Thurman Gurdjieff gives us some commandments which deserve to be considered such as: fixed your attention in yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, want and do. Always finish what you started. Do what you’re doing as best as possible. You cannot tether to anything that will eventually destroy you developed your generosity without witnesses. He treats each person as if it were a relative nearby. What you’ve messed up orders.

Learn how to receive, grateful for every gift. It stops you self-define. You do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal yourself. Others that provides us with Gurdjieff are: don’t defend your old ideas only by the fact that it was you who formulated them. Not retain useless objects.

You not adornes with alien ideas. Not you photos with celebrities. Don’t you give up accounts to anyone, I know your own judge. You never define by what they possess. Never talk about you without giving you the possibility of change. You agree that nothing is yours. When they ask you your opinion about something or someone, I gave only their qualities. When you get sick, instead of hate that evil consider it your teacher. Do not stare with dissimulation, stares. Don’t forget your dead, but gives them a limited site that prevent them from invading your life… In the place in which dwell always enshrined a sacred site. When you make a service does not highlight your efforts. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure… If you doubt between doing and not doing, take a risk and get. The best years of your life are those those who decide that your problems are yours. Don’t you blame them your mother, the ecology or the President. You realize that you control your own destiny.