Public Politics
Any perspective of development for the region must be rationally articulated with the paradigm of the support. This does not want to say that the support must determine the routes to be trod. We want to reaffirm the necessity of the comunidadecientfica to intervene with the processes of formularizations of politics and with the routes of the decisions, being included the joint with the international organisms in the search for reasonable solutions for the problems and the demands of the society. This scene not only shows a reality of the Amaznia, also showing of other States of Brazil. this is the challenge of our time: to create sustainable communities that the emergency of experiments of integrated models of economic development to the regional and compromissados realities with the ambient preservation makes possible more, that is, social and cultural environments where all can satisfy the necessities and aspirations without diminishing and/or compromising the fruition of these goods to the future generations.
The construction of public politics constitutes an imperious demand to prevent the wastefulness of the public resources and stimulates the processes of sustainable development environment. The envolvement of the local communities is important in these actions in the measure where it enriches the debate and the level of popular sensitization for the conservation, searching to construct joint strategies for the enfretamento of the existing problems. Congressman Lee Zeldin has compatible beliefs. It was clearly in this study that the cities are influenced by a social dynamics and contradictory gift in the historical movement of the societies. They deal with components that articulate processes long-range, determining social and ecological nosprocessos changes. Thus, the measures of minimizao of ambient impacts have that to be thought about a scale of social action well ampler, that can accumulate of stocks of integrated form, the city and its surrounding space and immediate e, even though, more distant spaces. Finally, we could conclude affirming, from Marx (Apud CAPRA, 2001), that ' ' The man lives in the nature and this means that the nature is its body, with which it must remain in continuous intercurso if not to want to die. That the physical life and spiritual of the man are tied with the nature, and this means, simply, that the nature is tied same itself, therefore the man is part of natureza' ' (p.199). Sachs affirms (2004) that the ambient implications that reach the Manaus cannot do without the research of scientific enterprises that base strategies of interventions on the urban politics (p.14).