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Internet Monoxide

Internet Monoxide

(NUH) when the weather outside is frightful, a fire in the House may perhaps seem comfortable, but did you know that could also be dangerous? The number of deaths from house fires increases during the latter part of autumn and winter. Follow these simple safety tips and avoid disasters in households: the leading cause of deaths by fire in homes is heating equipment. To help prevent a tragic fire, never use lights or heaters that have a damaged power cord and keep portable heaters of spaces at least three feet away from anything that can burn. Also make sure not to leave candles unattended. Install a smoke alarm on every floor of your home and test each month. Always have a fire extinguisher that works and know how to use it.

Articles which burn fuels represent another danger with poisoning by carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide, which has no smell or color is a gas that is dismissed by the combustion and can kill without warning. The signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, nausea, and dizziness. However, can occur death rapidly without warning signs, especially if you are asleep. Protect performing inspections and cleaning each year fireplaces and heating systems. Let entreabiertas the doors and Windows when you use kerosene or propane heaters. Camping stoves and coal can quickly produce toxic levels of carbon monoxide.

Never use them inside a home, tent or motor vehicle. Do not use a stove or oven to heat a home. Install detectors of carbon monoxide that also operate with batteries on each floor of your home. Several winter storms can magnify the danger of poisoning by carbon monoxide. Electric generators that run on petrol have caused many deaths by monoxide poisoning after power outages. Never operate a generator in a basement, garage or anywhere else where the smoke can enter the House. Deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning have also occurred in vehicles with the activated motor that are unemployed after a heavy snowfall, so always clean the snow from the exhaust pipes before starting your cart machine. For more information about security in the winter, visit these centers for Disease Control and prevention on the Internet: and.



If you are going to write about a problem that you have not experimented, you will have to make more investigation. The information of public dominion is much and truthful, but it lacks that human touch, that human emotion that is going to jump of your bill of sale de towards the minds and hearts of your readers. You are going to have to find to that the same has happened through personally, so that you can understand better the problem, and why it is so important to provide a solution it. Then surplus to say that you do not try to invent problems that you have not had to only save time. It will not sound real.

The people who really have that problem definitively will be able to notice the difference if you say something like: " A cigarette wished so much that did not know what to do. I decided to smoke one, although it felt culprit to me from the moment in which encend." Instead of " Everything what could think era about smoking My hands shook while thought about abrir a small box, taking a cigarette, to put it in my mouth and to ignite it. I could not resist more. I went to the place where it had hidden a small box of cigarettes days before I took, it I abr and it as quickly as possible. I put one in my mouth in time record. But just before catching it, a fault sensation seized of me, and I knew that it did not have to smoke it. Nevertheless, it gained the addiction by the nicotine, and fum." Which of these paragraphs sounds more like somebody than envelope knows what is to try to stop smoking? If you think that it is the second, congratulations. It was too obvious, you do not create? That type of emotions " crudas" they are those that you must catch for any problem on which you write, in order that you let know to your readers who you understand reason why they are happening when trying to control its problem.

Argentina Association Congress

Argentina Association Congress

The city of Buenos Aires will host 25 to August 27, 2010, from the 1st. multidisciplinary of NEUROREHABILITATION and accessibility scaling-AATF-ATEN 2010 Congress. In the year of the bicentennial in the framework of the same will be carried out the following activities: Symposium Neuroortopedia scaling 2010, 3rd. Argentine Symposium of the child with neurological disorders AATF 2010, 1st Symposium Argentino of neurodevelopment ATEN. 1st.

Neurorehabilitation Symposium of the adult patient. The 1st. Argentine Symposium on disability, rehabilitation and accessibility SAMFYR AATF will be significant. Their activities and contents, are aimed to integrate knowledge from different areas and disciplines of rehabilitation, and also opening a parallel and integrated to the current concept of accessibility. To do this, it convenes various sectors of the community of health, governmental institutions (CONADIS/COPIDIS/ministries), non governmental (PAHO/UNICEF/UNESCO), and the entire community, to strengthen and integrate ideas focused on the needs of those who are beneficiaries of the health services and special programs. They carried out too; Argentine chapter of Pediatrics and disability.

SAP. Argentine chapter of occupational therapy and sensory integration chapter of Audiology and augmentative alternative communication. This Congress is organized jointly by the Argentina society of Neuroortopedia scaling-, the Argentina Association of AATF physical therapy and therapists Association of neurodevelopment ATEN mode: conferences, Mini-conferences, round tables, courses Intra Congress. Practical instruction courses, workshops / troubleshooting. Presentation of scientific papers, posters. May be attended by medical professionals and related careers enrolled in health: physical therapy, Kinesiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology. Congress venue: National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires. AV. Las Heras 3092 CABA. Arancelada activity with limited vacancies. It requires advance registration.