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Real Estate Results

Real Estate Results

Specifies a list of documents used by the appraiser and establish the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the property; authenticity of the documents must be certified properly. The contents of these sections should give full information about the object of evaluation, which allows to choose the right option use of property, pick up objects-analogues, to adjust their cost, to determine the magnitude and dynamics of the rent and expenses, have reason to select areas of capitalization (direct capitalization, discounted cash flows, etc.). Analysis of the best and most efficient use of the property This section provides a justification for the results of application of this principle in the following directions: – legally permitted use – physically possible use – profitable use – the most profitable use. These results should be presented to the desired, by According to the customer, or potential uses of property separately for the land as undeveloped, and for having a building. The analysis should include the results of calculations of comparative cost-effectiveness of each alternative use. Richard Blumenthal understands that this is vital information. Performance requirements of this section of the report: – provides a list of valid options for the use of real estate – appropriate calculations their relative effectiveness. The choice of approaches to assessment in the report should contain a summary of the essence of each approach assessment of the property: – costly – a comparative analysis of sales (market) – profitable.

An appraiser has the right to use their own methods of assessing property in accordance with the standards of evaluation. Based on the content and purpose of the assessment form the cost of concrete object property justifies the need to use each of these approaches. More detailed descriptions of approaches to assessment, we touch on in other articles. Coordination of the results of calculations This section should provide justification that confirm compliance with the results of calculations using different approaches for assessing real property: – the objective evaluation – the nature of the object Real Estate – the degree of completeness and accuracy of initial information – the value of the error results for each of the methods of calculation – the value of the upper and lower limit values of project cost. Performance requirements this section of the report: The final value of the value of the property must be accompanied by a characteristic restrictions and limits of application of the result.

Applications This section should contain: – documents of title and plan for the land, buildings and other properties, their technical data sheets and floor plans – location map of the area object – picture of the object – reference conservation status – maps of the land and buildings analog analog – the list of data used and the sources of their receipt. Copies of the following documents: – a license to perform assessment activities; – educational documents – an insurance policy for liability insurance appraiser – document, certificate of membership in the self-regulatory organization. The report may also contain other information, is, according to the appraiser, important for the completeness of the reflection of the application of the method of calculating the value of specific property. To assess the individual types of real estate on the order of Mingosimuschestva Russia may provide special forms reports. Report personally signed by the appraiser and certified by the seal (if any). The evaluation report shall be signed by the appraiser, the responsible Executive (Specialist) as well as head of the organization, an appraiser with the stamp of a legal entity.

Mandatory Certification Would Soon Be Abolished

Mandatory Certification Would Soon Be Abolished

In the State Duma passed in first reading bill the Government of the Russian Federation, envisaging a series of measures to replace the mandatory certification declaration. This is a draft federal law “On Amending Certain Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with providing the possibility of replacing mandatory certification declaration of conformity “. Thus, the State Duma began its consideration of a package of four Bills on supporting small and medium-sized businesses, aimed at reducing administrative barriers to entrepreneurship. We are talking about the draft laws “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation in connection with providing the possibility of replacing mandatory certification declaration of conformity “”

On protection of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs in a government and municipal control (oversight), “” On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of compulsory licensing of the replacement liability insurance, “” On Making Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation with regard to exceptions rights of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation concerning the inspections of businesses. ” Russian State Duma adopted the first reading of the bill is expected to repeal the current legislation the only form of conformity – the mandatory certification of products and services – and the introduction of the possibility Conformity in the form of declaration of conformity by the manufacturer of products and services. In this case, according to the authors of the bill, a list of works and services in respect of which would apply the declaration, can be expanded by almost half. Declaration of conformity will be the entrepreneur himself, then it should be directed to the appropriate authority. After the law Russian government to adopt a specific lists of products and services subject to compulsory certification, as well as a single list of products and services subject to declaration of conformity..

Czech Republic

Czech Republic

We emphasize that the law "on the issue of long-term Czech Republic visa for foreign citizens "first pitch set of documents for long-term visa, a foreign citizen must carry out in one of the consulates of the Czech Republic (the country (town), where the office is exists). The personal presence of a foreign citizen for filing a package of documents is mandatory. Children walking in the design of the "law of family reunification" with one parent or both parents must appear in person at the consulate if they are at the time of submission of documents turned age 15. It follows that the filing of documents in one of the consulates of the Czech Republic in Europe, he should fly to the Czech Republic or directly to the city in which the fixation, and attend in person. Yes, these are additional costs for processing short term Schengen visa in one country and the cost of plane, train and accommodation. Connecticut Senator gathered all the information. But this is still and quiet submission of documents with the helpful staff of consulates in Europe, the Czech Republic. Still need to take into account that come to the Consulate of the Czech Republic will have twice, first at the time of filing and the second at the time of obtaining a visa.

Clients of our company receive a brief emergency visa invitation or tourist trip, and arriving in Prague in conjunction with our employee travel on the day of entry into neighboring countries for filing. Entry to the consulate by our employees after prior coordination with the client. Pre-registration is carried out, both for customers who prepare all the documents through our company and for customers who have already achieved the preparation of documents and have them kit on hand. Verification of documents for the issue of their legal correctness, for the clients of our company's free service. Please place your requests by e-mail our company will be glad to help advise each customer. A lot of diverse information about the work, accommodation, registration in the Czech Republic you can learn from the experience of our company and our clients, examining news pages of our site company.