Physical Education

Physical Education

To guarantee the reach of the educational objectives the LDB of 1961 includes the Physical Education in the obligator resume for the courses primary and average until the age of 18 years, bringing in return the number of sessions for three weekly lessons as well as fifty minutes the duration of each session consolidating definitively this disciplines in the Brazilian pertaining to school system of 1 and 2 degrees (BETTI, 1991). 2.2 The Physical Education and the Military Regimen (1964 the 1985) From the installation of the Military Regimen in Brazil, the Physical Education gained ratio of high investments in the sport in the attempt to make with that this disciplines came to participate in the promotion of the country of the success in competitions of high level (DARIDO, 1999). The sport gained dimensions as content in the lessons of pertaining to school Physical Education, modifying the education molds, thus establishing a new concept of professor, who of professor-instructor would now pass to be called professor-trainer. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights. In this direction one observes the characteristics of the professor of the time as: centraliser, disciplinarian, soon to exert on its pupils the repetition mechanics of the esportivos movements (DARIDO, 1999). This period also was marked for a series of educational measures with an intention of the valuation for the formation human being with the conscience of the time where they lived, amongst them the inclusion of disciplines Moral and Civic Education in the three levels of education whose objective it was the cult to the religious, nationalistic values and the obedience the Laws and also the obligatoriness of the Physical Education in the university courses (BETTI, 1991). The Physical Education and the sport in Brazil had been constructed historically under gide of the liberal doctrine, the French influence and had had as main promoter to the Armed Forces that had contributed, effectively, for the materialization of this different education, destined to the detainers of the national income.

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