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Month: July 2012

Maxwell House

Maxwell House

And there are quite certain reasons. Who among us remembers how it all began? And it started at a time when our country has replaced the era of "immature" socialism in the era of capitalism "wild". When the word "McDonald's" and "Pepsi" sounded as the prayer. When all the gum, except for "Buble gum, not quoted (badly swelled!), Was the most delicious coffee, Maxwell House," and "Jupiter" Russian alcoholic even vodka added. When on your running shoes should have been pose only the inscription "Adidas", and on the pocket jeans cooked – the label "" This is our generation remembers a tribute to that Americanized fashion with a smile.

Today's generation of teenagers (please, one more the word "there") knows that mark cafeteria no more than an ordinary eatery that serves food so incongruous for digestion, which emerged even an expression of people who are overweight, as "the man from McDonalds." It was only later we learned from the video that the composition of the most popular carbonated beverage includes any substance, allowing to dissolve the chicken livers in a few hours. A trick with mint candy in a bottle of soda you've seen? Drink – just add water "also somehow not caught on – the water that, if we have another, it turned out. Then he quickly disappeared from the shelves and extremely dubious quality chewing gum with titanium whitener that could chew on for weeks. About the quality of clothes and shoes has nothing to say – the Americans are responsible for quality.

MLM – Not As Difficult As It Seems …

MLM – Not As Difficult As It Seems …

Present your business and product personally at least one person every day, maybe this advice seems to have been beaten, but somehow or inachet, it remains very useful. Make it a habit to view your Company and Product hobya least 1 times a day. I repeat – at least one presentation a day, now let's look at it more globally. 1 presentation per day – that's 30 presentation in a month and a presentation of 365 per year. Assume that at least 100 people interested in your proposal and decided to become your partner, that is your front-line Only 100 distributors! Think about it! Take that only 15-20 people seriously began to engage in this business, and in so far as the rest. In one year, 15-20 in the first generation of leaders – it's just a great result. And now own count how many you will have strong distributors after one year, if you will tell every day about your business two, three, five people. This advice is also important from a psychological point of view and from the self-motivation Each day, doing anything for your business, you'll realize that you are one step closer to its success. You should not be a day when you had not told about the possibilities of your company And most interesting is that it does not require too much time you can present to a friend while walking, call an old friend, interested neighbors all this can be done during the day, when you communicate with anyone. Every day – one more step to your success in network marketing! Remember this and do for your business at least something every day.

An Invitation For Our President

An Invitation For Our President

We invite our Dilma president to make a tip trip the tip of Brazil to better know the country that is governing. The idea is that this trip is carried through with bus and by the roads, with right to eat in the restaurants in way. The objective is to know the cities and towns of the states as Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Rio Grande of the North, Cear, Piau, Amazon, and other states, and if to make familiar to the reality of the life of 95% of the people. To see in fact: where these peoples all play its sewer and its garbage, as it is the state of the colleges, schools and hospitals, as the sick people are taken care of, which are the ways of diversion and leisure young them, as the feeding is supplied, as they are the roads and the transport of the population and a thousand and other aspects of the life that necessarily they need a deep evaluation. The president of a nation will only know its country when to leave the cabinet. We follow eight years the Government of Mr. Lula who travelled stops all the countries, and gave lectures in great congresses. It pronounced beautiful speeches that had impressed the peoples of the world.

But, unhappyly, it did not have time to travel for the roads of Brazil, and lost the chance to especially know the delay of our Brazil in the interior. It left the government with states and cities with the quality of very worse life from what it received. The example, of the violence and traffic of drugs that if expanded of the slum quarters of Rio De Janeiro for Recife, Salvador, So Paulo and other cities. Until the police stations they are white of assault and devastao of the outlaws.The lack of order and ethics is generalized.

Government Advances

Government Advances

It will be celebrated in the Congress days 28, 29 and 30 of June. He is the last one with Zapatero like president. Bond remembers that July &quot is a month; ordinario". The debate on the state of the nation will be celebrated in the Congress from the 28 to the 30 of June, according to has decided the Meeting of Spokesmen of the Camera after receiving the proposal of the Government. The president of the Congress, Jose Bond, has confirmed this date, and also he has explained that the period of sessions is going away to extend, in fact, during the month of July, in which there will be other two plenary sessions and two sessions of the Permanent Delegation and the Meeting of Spokesmen, besides qualifying the month for the work of the commissions. It has indicated that the debate of general policy will take place in two plenary sessions, days 28 and 29, whereas the 30, last day of the ordinary period of sessions, reserve for the discussion and voting of the resolution proposals that present/display the groups. Jose Bond has explained the journalists who have been he the one who has proposed this date because it seemed to him that Debate of the state of the Nation must be celebrated " in the period constitutionally denominated ordinario" , and to the spokesmen " it has seemed them and to the president of the Government tambin&quot well;. Initially, the possibility that had been estimated the debate was celebrated in July, as it happened in 2010, suggestion that did not like to the PP.

Bond has indicated that from now on July &quot would have to be a month; ordinary to all the ctos". Of there the unanimous decision of the Meeting of which there are other two plenary sessions in the Congress in the month of July, first days 12 and of that 13 month and the second the 19 and the 20, as well as two sessions of the Permanent Delegation and the Meeting of Spokesmen. Also &quot is qualified all the month of July for the work of the commissions; that they are necesarias" , there is addition Bond. Ceiling of cost On the other hand, Bond has explained that the approval of the ceiling of budgetary cost on the part of the Congress will have to take place in some of the July plenary sessions. The Government, has remembered, must propose the ceiling of cost for the accounts of next year before the first semester finishes, and later Cortes must give their approval, and will have to be in July because the number is " very excellent for the preparation of presupuesto". Source of the news: The Government advances to the last days of June the debate on the state of the nation

Human Development

Human Development

In the middle of all the bad one, nevertheless, the good thing is rescued. The producers and retailers of I inform decided to form a guild with the aim and this way they created the Cooperative of Producers and Drug dealers of I inform Capriwayu through which they have sent a S.O.S.a the departmental authorities and nationals in order that the support offers them who need to continue dedicated to the work that has realised during several generations. is indeed Capriwayu the organization who has been pronounced again through his representative legal Luis Gonzlez, who has expressed that their buyers have retired to them again soon to know notes of press of the last days, in which have disclosed itself new cases of anthrax, caused now by the consumption of head of cattle meat. What it is happening deserves an integral action of the authorities oriented to take care of the health of the citizens and at the same time to protect a line of the economy with which a good number of families is maintained. But it entindase that it is not a line anyone but one that intimately is bound a the identity of the department and to the same essence of the guajiridad. Perhaps the Guajira is conceived without its gastronomy based on meat of I inform? I, at least, do not imagine it to me.

Alexander Rutto Martinez is a prestigious journalist and Colombian, tie writer like educational to several Colombian universities. She is author of four books and coauthor of other three in whom one approaches the subject of the leadership, the ethics and the Human Development. Frequently he is invited like lecturer to congresses, academic forums and other events.