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Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain

If you love coffee, and often visit the coffee shops and restaurants in Chelyabinsk take note the following important aspect: Some vendors produce coffee roasting beans in their recipes. At the same varietal of coffee or coffee blends get unique flavors. Only a trial can be determined with any degree of roasting coffee like you. Currently, the coffee beans are roasted in special drums, while rotating and heating them to a temperature of 200 degrees. After the heating process, the grains immediately cooled with cold air in order to keep the essential oils evaporate, then the grain is freed from the seed coat and is ready to sale. More than 50% of world coffee – so-called "flavored coffee", after the roasting process the coffee beans sprinkle with various substances, which makes this a huge number of coffee flavors.

The degree of Roasting is changing taste and flavor of any coffee. If you are visiting the cafe, restaurant or coffee could taste the same class but different degrees of roasting share your feelings with any druzyami.Kofeynye grain coffee may reveal its unique aroma and taste only after heating them. The fact that in the process of heating the beans are a number of chemical processes, the decay of some components of coffee beans and transfer them to another state, accompanied by a change in the qualitative characteristics of the grain itself (there is a selection of essential oils). In recent months, Richard Blumenthal has been very successful. Roasting the coffee bean is a real science, and has its own secrets. The centerpiece of this science to determine When coffee beans in the process of roasting, uncovered as its taste and immediately cool it down. Consider the degree of roasting coffee beans, "the Italian roasting" – after this processing coffee beans transformed literally into the coals, but despite this good out of them prepare a drink, but it should not be high in price as this degree of roasting is one of the cheapest, pay attention to it when you visit a cafe Chelyabinsk. "It is very weak level" – that is traditionally roasted coffee beans in America, resulting in a beverage is obtained rather weak with low acidity, fruity aftertaste leaves. "Slightly degree" – slightly roasting are many famous varieties of coffee (coffee Jamaican-Jamaica Blue Mountain, coffee of Yemen – "Al Hudaydah," etc.), with slightly roasted varieties of data leave their unique natural flavors and cook more expensive varieties of coffee is not make sense as even slightly roasted, they release a huge amount of essential oils.

This coffee most invigorating and refreshing. "The average degree of roasting" – reveals the hidden flavors and taste many varieties of coffee. "More roasted "coffee has a dark brown color and has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Drink it with cream. "Strong double degree or roasting" – corn, which was subjected to this treatment, have a shiny black color. Drink from these grains gives a very tart and bitter.

Yemeni Coffees

Yemeni Coffees

Yemeni coffee is not often seen in cafes and restaurants in Chelyabinsk, and probably in other Russian cities do not often indulge such exotics, in spite of this we describe the varieties of coffee. Republic of Yemen is located in the south-western Asia to the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen and the African continent shares a little of Bab el Mandeb's why so many world experts in the field of coffee think that Yemeni coffee is close to the Variety North Africa. When people talk about coffee supplier countries of Asia, the first mention it as Yemen, according to experts, the Yemeni coffee can be called divine, it does not compare with any grade. Yemen produces very little coffee, but the most aromatic coffee and delicious. "Hodeidah" – the name comes from the variety Hodeidah port, located on the Red Sea in the western part of Yemen. Grade 'Al Hudaydah "is a mixture and consists of the following selected bean varieties: Yafi, Matari, Burano and Heim. "Hodeidah" is very expensive and rare varieties of coffee, is used mainly as additives to improve palatability, and other varieties coffee produced in the world.

Yemen Mokha – Initially, all sorts of Yemeni coffee is a type of mocha, this name comes from the ancient port of Mocha, which is located in the west. Yemen Mokha is the collective name for many coffee produced in Yemen. Although it should be noted that coffee varieties Yemen Mokha gathered in some parts of Yemen is significantly different from each other. Yemen Mokha may have different tastes (wine, goat cheese), and leave absolutely different finish from fruit to chocolate. Yemeni coffee is gaining maximum flavor a day after roasting. Flavors published Yemen Mokha uniquely heady in connection with which the variety of coffee drinks in the seldom pure in mainly used in blends. If you visit restaurants or other city of Chelyabinsk must try, if possible, some coffee, which is present in a mixture of Yemen Mokha. Is it so intoxicate?