Bank Manager
Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”! Who Rob themselves of the policy makes at the end with his earned money no, more specifically the salaries of managers to pay the banks, because their old salaries no longer give them their cash position after the bust, which is their own fault. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs often addresses the matter in his writings. Who then still the old parties continue, select which makes the robbers to the Bank Manager and should not be surprised, if in the end nothing more there. We pay more and more. That is still explosive confirm after the election. Since then the payments for banks, Manager and co will be called first, because it doesn’t fit politically before the election. And you can predict even where it goes to the political reaction: would the salaries or assets the fraudster and incompetent bums which we knew already. Because there it would be just little resistance.
That would probably more applause, also because it meets would be. No, the silence dead who foot the Bill paid, only one says: above is the responsibility that once as argument for the high salaries had to hold forth, gekloppt in the bin, the citizens, eh already fleeced and pushed by the middle class down more and more in the Veramung may also now pay hitpoints,. True to the motto: profits are privatized, losses are socialized. Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”!