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Month: March 2019

The Wedding

The Wedding

It is a good way to keep the good memories. Another specific point in the wedding on the beach is clothing. Some believe that the usual wedding clothes fit perfectly. But it is not the best idea. Wear a classic wedding dress for a beach ceremony – the fastest way to ruin a good suit. The best solution for the bride will be very short dress. In this case, clothes will not get confused during walk. Short dresses were always the most suitable option is for a wedding on the beach.

True, anyone and would never dream of going to the beach in a long shirt? Small-fitting short dress – the best choice for the bride and her bridesmaids. Men we would recommend it to choose a costume in a beach style. Many men find the ordinary to come in costume, but they risk not only spoiling clothes, but shoes as well. If you search a little, You can find the perfect beachwear, which is suitable for wedding ceremonies. There are some rules of the wedding on the beach, which many do not know.

First of all, there are laws that prohibit large group people gather on the beach for any reason. For even more details, read what Amazon says on the issue. It will not hurt to check local bylaws in this regard. In most cases it comes down to the need for early warning of a beach ceremony. When you call back to the local government, you will announce a list of rules for weddings on the beach. Typically, these requirements are not difficult to observe. For example, you might say do not leave fireworks on the beach in the open access. As well you will be asked to leave your contacts in case the beach will remain retracted. Then you account produces. Although, this may become a convenient solution. A kind of payment for order to remove after the holiday. Wedding in beach – a sea of joy and fun, but not all are resolved to realize it. Many doubt that this is the best way to celebrate the wedding. If it finds most of your potential guests, while on the venture, unfortunately, have to give. But the advice given above are very good help in organizing the wedding on the beach. Just as well continue the celebration on the beach after the main part of the ceremony. But not necessarily. It can decide on their discretion.

Political Economy

Political Economy

It has seen that, the bourgeoisie the favored classroom more of this country if relates the people as being only the less disfavored poor persons and. Perhaps, this is the payment for not spilling a blood drop during the independence and the announcement of the Republic. What to think of one country whose governmental structure is done for aristocrats who prevented in the politics a chance to guarantee in bigger amounts its economic facts. The politics must guide the economy, and it economy does not have to guide the politics, therefore, when the economy starts to dictate the rules loses any adherent dignity to the democracy, that starts to give to place the corruption and several other realities that denigre the life and the space politician. The Greek thinker Aristotle has much time behind, already he had delineated that ' ' The man is a Poltico&#039 Animal; ' therefore, no matter how hard an environment opposes politician, in bigger ratios it is refused proper reality human being, has seen that the man in all ambient biodiversity is only the only animal capable to make and to think the politics, either this carried through by a simple gesture, speaks, friendship circle, and, even though the delegation of control to one determined artificial body, the State. Comumente, in years politicians perceives it the press affirming chaves of that we choose governing in the biggest democracy of the world, but is affirmed: How to think a Democratic reality, of where, innumerable people not even know the paper of a Senator, Member of the house of representatives? How to think the Democracy about a country of diplomee illiterates? Sadly we are obliged to say one more time in the bulge of history: ' ' The Democracy is the Dictatorship of the Majority. E, if the majority is ignorant, the Democracy can very be well based as the Empire of the Mediocridade' '.



VOTE ZERO! We are all Brazilian living in a country where the public health is insolvent debtor, the citizen is not taken care of in the hospitals and dies in the lines waiting a vacant that simply does not exist. The employees of the hospitals make a selection between the patients and choose who go to be taken care of and who goes to die, because this has that to be thus? The public security is inexistent and the citizen, that one that paid the high charged taxes, much less cannot more floor in the day streets nor at night. The Policy, when the rebelled people wants to lynch an outlaw intervines the same and safe, leading it in security until a police station, where it has all the possible security, exactly that for this many times has that to attack the population. While this Justice decides to free the majority of the prisoners and not to arrest nobody whose penalty for the crime comes to be lesser that four years. All the prisoner receives a wage from R$800,00 and when it possesss children per item of them another wage of R$720,00, while the worker it is only with the minimum wage of R$565,00.

An imprisoned outlaw possessing two children receives from paid wage for Government R$ 2,240, 00 without having that to work and all pay with the money the taxes charged of the citizen. Everything is allowed by laws created and approved for our legislators. In the Chamber and the Senate Brazilian everything runs a thousand wonders, where all have health plans carssimos and particular security. Being thus, as the politicians nothing make to change this calamitous picture the year of 2012 if he approaches and with it the election, where with certainty all the people will be looked to give or to vender its vote. However the only alternative that remained to the people voter is that in day 3 of October of 2012 they exert vote zero, does not appear the ballot boxes and case decided to appear not to pay to the fine charged for the democracy made for these same politicians, they annul the vote. Later they make a beautiful lunch for its families and forget asked for them made for this corja that he intends to be more 4 years occupying a place where they only think about locupretarem it opposite to work in benefit of the people. Vote Zero is now a duty of all the Brazilian citizen in exchange for what it receives from the politicians who in the past the proper people placed in the highest positions of this country. Perhaps then good lunch and nothing of vote for nobody, they thus start to execute its obligations with the people.

Growing your Business

Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your Business

Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Citizenship State

Citizenship State

Venezuela has problems that are not cyclical, but structural, historical, such as insecurity, corruption, social inequality, poverty, requiring beyond a political decision to fight them which is, practically, one action of moral and educational effect in the long term, involving all sectors and expressions of their society. Logically, it is discounted the political decision. The State (the citizen also is how uneducated, as we’ll see) will have to go to the front, as a basic propellant in thick, branching its actions through the channels at your fingertips: media, educational policy, legal corpus, fighting crime and punishing (case insecurity), combating impunity (corruption case), propaganda, financial support, policy and institutional, among others, exceedingly, example itself, for situations where fit the behavioral moralizing action. Is obliged to refocus, by humanistic, and positivist ideology by contractual delegation, its own step and that of its citizens, figure who is morally should and who is necessary and even affected expression. His work is to extend Executive, carpet welcome to desirable values and attitudes citizens on some roads, if still not forged, at least mentioned, as the already observed as principles. But fundamental drive, specifically, of the new morality (new as in situ is scarce) know is the same citizen, stronghold of any demonstration or political structuring. On him shall be borne any measure that points to new revivals, pointing even to his moral reformulation in both human figure living in flagrant and transient. Because the State, according to social contract, is delegation and sum of wills for growth and prosperity in society, according to the man accessed losing the care of their old and original wild nature and agrees to the existence of an entity that norme it and protects in return for his subjection to the law and the compliance of duties. More to contour this guise status, as guiding principle but joint wills citizen expression, do nothing but over-riding the individual as a vital agent (as it is to be expected in a society of humans), individual or citizen susceptible to ideas, groupings or actions capable of influencing the letter and act of a State which regulates, but also capable of tainting the same drafting of the social agreement according to their moral run.

Growing your Business

Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.