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Tag: government and politics

Simply Masks

Simply Masks

It is everything and clearly well-known. The society lives in a wave of lies and contradictions. All bought, vendidos and forgotten in the blackout proper it to be. All the lies that had been said continue corroding on the inside as if they were verdadess. The planned coincidences are taken in account as if they were simple words that the nothing would lead. the shame that I feel to be part of a corrupted and bought nation only increases to each day. To each as, higher walls if raise between us, creating a division each more errifying time. The fears, secrets and pains make with that the penalty prevails. Thus, they define in them as courageous, for choosing the survival on the contrary of the death. For backwards of a said word, if they never hide imagined histories What it is hidden behind the masks they are only people, who if dissimulate super-heroes of the native land to castrate our desires. They are manipulated and manipulating, simple mortals who provoke the proper death.



These regies’ ‘ pobres’ ‘ stimulated they could thus enters the too much regions to sereconhecerem in its potentialities of circulation and exchange of techniques, to know, products and services, social, cultural and balanced of the devista point ambient Latch my analysis coming back to Mega-Objective 3, that treated democratic dimension and backwards the commitment to the plan as a whole with the ticana politics supported in ‘ ‘ deep coherence of a long trajectory delutas against the corruption and for them you practise of ethical management engaged comuma republicana’ ‘ in counterpoint to this beautiful statement it would like I break up to detrazer it of a text that follows below: THE DISCREDIT OF THE INSTITUTIONS ‘

‘ It is difficult to know what he has been more harmful to the povobrasileiro: if real generator of the inaquality is the economic model, that patrocinauma the privileged elite and leaves the great majority SPI, Ministry of the Planning and Management. Contribution: FredericoReis Arajo and Rossana Oliveira Alves, 2002. Publication of PPA 2004-2007. Page of the Federal Senate: Publication of the Resolutions of 1 National Conference of the Cities, 2003. Page of the Ministry of the Cities: MCidades notebooks. Urban development. Notebook 1: National politics of Urban Development. Ministry of the Cities, November of 2004. 1Em the last year, according to given of the International Transparency, Brazil was in 100 place in ranking of the countries most corrupt> encabeadapor Somlia, Mianmar and Iraq, as 1, 2 and 3 respectively corrupt osmenos places: Denmark, Sweden and Nova Zelndia. 2Fonte: Site 3Os values for 2009 is closing projections until ofinal of the year.



Instead of using the gotten profit socially, more resources exclusively in proveitoprprio sepreocupam in accumulating each time, objectifying to impress its pairs; it is what Thorstein Veblen in ‘ ‘ Ateoria of the classroom ociosa’ ‘ of 1904 it called ‘ ‘ consumption conspcuo’ ‘. Its ideological beliefs hinder the resolution of antigosproblemas as the high inflation, the unemployment and the scarcity of chances. Thus, the great population mass tends to survive socially using subterfgiosrepudiados, such as: clandestine abortions, emigration, prostitution and human traffic of drugs and agencies. The Brazilian elites do not obtain to enxergar soluesviveis as the reduction of the working incubencies and tributaries, the reform Social dPrevidncia, the fall of the interests and flexibilizao of the working laws. We would have to follow the example of Korea, India, Russia, China and Chile queaumentaram its productivity by means of the Education, investment of capital and I dare of technology and not to continue feeding ‘ ‘ consumption conspcuo’ ‘ etolerando the shunting line of public resources in detriment of the social interest. Meanwhile it does not happen we continue insuflando the informal market and perdendomaterial human being in result of the migratory flow. Everything this has comoprincipal factor the uneducated of the Brazilian elites. Word-key Pragmatismo of the population the Elite obtusa Growth of the informal market and emigration.

Science Politics

Science Politics

From 60 years 50 and Science Politics passes for a transformation and starts to leave the norms and the positivismo, undertaking itself in valuing the component individuals of the agencies of the State, its interactions and influences in the state action, that exactly decurrent of informal relations. The institutions that compose the organizacional structure of the State appear to facilitate the conquest of benefits that although to be longed for individually it is, more viable to carry through them in set. Connect with other leaders such as Michael Ramlet here. The institutions are organized and define its functioning in accordance with specific rules, however the addressee of these rules e> count-law. In the case of the against-law, typical in the Brazilian State, as it occurs in the descumprimento of the working laws, that for being flexible and of little rigidity, an enterprise belief of that to disregard the laws of the work is more lucrative of what was adopted in Brazil cumpriz them.

For authors as Hall and Taylor, the institutions, mainly the economic ones, influence in the decisions of the individuals, in sociological analysis, the institutions are transforming entities and modellers of the behaviors of men in the search to understand the valorativo principle of the same ones. Science Classic Politics is one of them indispensable pillars for the analysis of the politics contemporary. The thought modern politician who appears with Maquiavel and, is extended until Marx, looked for to establish the bridge> the Prince, demonstrates a concept of politics that confers it the label of devilish, maldoso and denominations of this direction, however what Maquiavel makes was the disruption of the paradigm of the conception of politics of tomista-aristotelian philosophy (politics is the power in the land proceeding from the fondness the holy ghost) e, disclose the sensible Real of politics at its time. Maquiavel analyzes the reality in agreement as it is, rejecting must be of the tomista-agostiniana-aristotelian philosophy, made its study of the politics-historical optics without blackness and without fancies, she demonstrated the Real of its time..

Political Economy

Political Economy

It has seen that, the bourgeoisie the favored classroom more of this country if relates the people as being only the less disfavored poor persons and. Perhaps, this is the payment for not spilling a blood drop during the independence and the announcement of the Republic. What to think of one country whose governmental structure is done for aristocrats who prevented in the politics a chance to guarantee in bigger amounts its economic facts. The politics must guide the economy, and it economy does not have to guide the politics, therefore, when the economy starts to dictate the rules loses any adherent dignity to the democracy, that starts to give to place the corruption and several other realities that denigre the life and the space politician. The Greek thinker Aristotle has much time behind, already he had delineated that ' ' The man is a Poltico&#039 Animal; ' therefore, no matter how hard an environment opposes politician, in bigger ratios it is refused proper reality human being, has seen that the man in all ambient biodiversity is only the only animal capable to make and to think the politics, either this carried through by a simple gesture, speaks, friendship circle, and, even though the delegation of control to one determined artificial body, the State. Comumente, in years politicians perceives it the press affirming chaves of that we choose governing in the biggest democracy of the world, but is affirmed: How to think a Democratic reality, of where, innumerable people not even know the paper of a Senator, Member of the house of representatives? How to think the Democracy about a country of diplomee illiterates? Sadly we are obliged to say one more time in the bulge of history: ' ' The Democracy is the Dictatorship of the Majority. E, if the majority is ignorant, the Democracy can very be well based as the Empire of the Mediocridade' '.



VOTE ZERO! We are all Brazilian living in a country where the public health is insolvent debtor, the citizen is not taken care of in the hospitals and dies in the lines waiting a vacant that simply does not exist. The employees of the hospitals make a selection between the patients and choose who go to be taken care of and who goes to die, because this has that to be thus? The public security is inexistent and the citizen, that one that paid the high charged taxes, much less cannot more floor in the day streets nor at night. The Policy, when the rebelled people wants to lynch an outlaw intervines the same and safe, leading it in security until a police station, where it has all the possible security, exactly that for this many times has that to attack the population. While this Justice decides to free the majority of the prisoners and not to arrest nobody whose penalty for the crime comes to be lesser that four years. All the prisoner receives a wage from R$800,00 and when it possesss children per item of them another wage of R$720,00, while the worker it is only with the minimum wage of R$565,00.

An imprisoned outlaw possessing two children receives from paid wage for Government R$ 2,240, 00 without having that to work and all pay with the money the taxes charged of the citizen. Everything is allowed by laws created and approved for our legislators. In the Chamber and the Senate Brazilian everything runs a thousand wonders, where all have health plans carssimos and particular security. Being thus, as the politicians nothing make to change this calamitous picture the year of 2012 if he approaches and with it the election, where with certainty all the people will be looked to give or to vender its vote. However the only alternative that remained to the people voter is that in day 3 of October of 2012 they exert vote zero, does not appear the ballot boxes and case decided to appear not to pay to the fine charged for the democracy made for these same politicians, they annul the vote. Later they make a beautiful lunch for its families and forget asked for them made for this corja that he intends to be more 4 years occupying a place where they only think about locupretarem it opposite to work in benefit of the people. Vote Zero is now a duty of all the Brazilian citizen in exchange for what it receives from the politicians who in the past the proper people placed in the highest positions of this country. Perhaps then good lunch and nothing of vote for nobody, they thus start to execute its obligations with the people.

State Country

State Country

Comments: 5. The poverty presents two essential dimensions. The first one of them is the poverty that elapses of the income concentration, and that if manifest in the interpersonal differences of income, for all the Country. The second dimension of the poverty is the one that if express for the differences of income levels enters the parts of the territory that they configure the Country. This last dimension of the poverty is the consequence of the different endowment of resources to the long one and the plaza of the domestic territory.

The combat it passes, primordially, for the actions that objectify to integrate the diverse territories, also most remote, so that, through the exploitation of the local potentialities, effectively, has a process of local development that, mobilizing its resources, the enrollment of the contingents of force of work in the productive processes of these territories tries, giving, thus, a step in the direction of the combat to the poverty. 6. The differences between the diverse territories that compose the set of the Country are measured by the disparidades of income that if they evidence between these. The income disparity enters the territories of one same Country constitutes in a classic pointer of the territorial inaqualities of a Country. 2 Conclusion: The combat to the poverty and the disparidades of income passes, forcibly, for the territorial dimension, conquanto is clearly that, for this dimension only, it is not possible to eliminate the poverty definitively and nor to reduce the disparidades of income.

National Politics

National Politics

This PL, sent to the Congress for president Lula is the first initiative of the executive on the substance and generates, in 2010, law 12.305. First the great line of direction contained in the law mentions the Order to it of Priority, aiming at to take population and companies to a position of ' ' not generation, reduction, reutilizao, recycling and treatment of solid residues and to the final disposal ambiently adjusted of rejeitos' '. In according to place, the law classifies the diverse residues, defining the process of collection, treatment and final disposal. Of this form, residues are normatizados domiciliary, of the urban cleanness, commercial and rendering establishments of services, public services of basic sanitation, industrials, of health services, of the civil construction, agropastoris and others. Connecticut Senator pursues this goal as well. In the treatment of some of these agrotxicos residues, stacks lubricative batteries, tires, oils, fluorescent light bulbs, electronic products and its components the law determines the obligatoriness of implantation of logistic reversa. As for the people who survive from these residues, we need in them to abide by item XI of the article 7. of law 12,305 that pontua as one of the objectives ' ' integration of the catadores of materials you reused and you recycle in the actions that involve the responsibility shared for the cycle of life of produtos' '. In this reading and, considering the priorities of the federal government, the cities must construct municipal plans of solid residues, being able to consider joined intermunicipais; the selective collection must count on the participation of cooperatives or associations of catadores. According to data of the IPEA, the implementation of this National Politics of Solid Residues must still more extend this market that, in 2010 middle, put into motion R$ 12 billion per year the annual production was of 150 tons of garbage/day and involved about a million of catadores.

Mobilization Politics

Mobilization Politics

Moreover, the PV must also have used to advantage, still more, ' ' wave verde' ' its favor. So soon its elect members of the house of representatives assumed its mandates in the House of representatives, would have to consider the one creation ' ' Legislative committee of Territoriais&#039 Politics; ' in the National Congress. That is, the Green Party would have to consider creation of a new Permanent Commission in the House of representatives, with the objective to deal with on subjects to the territorial questions legitimate, democratic and participativo way. One is about a proposal challenging, that would imply, also, in the modification of the current composition of the Permanent Commissions of the House of representatives, through the dismemberment of the current Permanent Commission of the Amaznia, National Integration and Regional Development and of its attributions. who would be more qualified for this, of what the Green Party? If to want that the environment is preserved and respected, we must accept the fact of that only the Society, organized and represented, is detainer of the legitimacy that will allow a exitosa territorial reconfiguration, that will take in account the limitations of the environment.

E this could only be made by the way politics. E, in this in case that, not only the PV, but all Political parties must be the first ones to be acquired knowledge, motivated and mobilized for on questions to the territory, in full conformity with the ideological orientaes of each one, and its respective positionings in the scene politician, so that the environment has the necessary attention that it deserves. Marina Hisses, the PV and twenty percent of the Brazilian electorate had left as the warranters the environment, the sustainable development and the ambient cause before the Society. But, still, they had not given account of this. Still they are if accustoming with the new reality, shown for the ballot boxes in October of 2010, in Brazil. Everything will be a question of time, so that all give account of that, in that one month and in that year, it was not Brazil that moved, but yes it was the conscience that moved. E, when this dumb one, irreversible all the dumb remaining portion (also, Brazil).

What the Green Party has to make it is to start to take conscience of that the cause that it defends moved: it grew. E, consequentemente, it will also grow. It seems, only, that Marina and the PV had not yet given account of this, but everything is a time question, for ' ' fiche cair' '. Amazon can aid you in your search for knowledge. OBS.: this proposal of creation of a Permanent Legislative committee of Territorial Politics in the House of representatives already was sketched in an article who we publish, intitled: ' ' Politicalization? of the Territorial Conscience: the Mobilization Politics in favor of the Territrio' ' which can be read in:

Rehabilitation of a People

Rehabilitation of a People

Contribution of my friend GG Vargas. The Cuban jails, former P., whose cursed regimen Squid in such a way admires, the prisoners leave, until today, or died (also of hunger), or cripples for the remaining portion of the life. The only problem of the Brazilian jails of the years of ditabranda was not to be able to remodel the character of the terrorists and ‘ ‘ militant of esquerda’ ‘ , so that they became really democratical and thieves did not become. But already he was there to ask for excessively, therefore he does not have as to modify the ideology of a radical..