Moreover, the PV must also have used to advantage, still more, ' ' wave verde' ' its favor. So soon its elect members of the house of representatives assumed its mandates in the House of representatives, would have to consider the one creation ' ' Legislative committee of Territoriais' Politics; ' in the National Congress. That is, the Green Party would have to consider creation of a new Permanent Commission in the House of representatives, with the objective to deal with on subjects to the territorial questions legitimate, democratic and participativo way. One is about a proposal challenging, that would imply, also, in the modification of the current composition of the Permanent Commissions of the House of representatives, through the dismemberment of the current Permanent Commission of the Amaznia, National Integration and Regional Development and of its attributions. who would be more qualified for this, of what the Green Party? If to want that the environment is preserved and respected, we must accept the fact of that only the Society, organized and represented, is detainer of the legitimacy that will allow a exitosa territorial reconfiguration, that will take in account the limitations of the environment.
E this could only be made by the way politics. E, in this in case that, not only the PV, but all Political parties must be the first ones to be acquired knowledge, motivated and mobilized for on questions to the territory, in full conformity with the ideological orientaes of each one, and its respective positionings in the scene politician, so that the environment has the necessary attention that it deserves. Marina Hisses, the PV and twenty percent of the Brazilian electorate had left as the warranters the environment, the sustainable development and the ambient cause before the Society. But, still, they had not given account of this. Still they are if accustoming with the new reality, shown for the ballot boxes in October of 2010, in Brazil. Everything will be a question of time, so that all give account of that, in that one month and in that year, it was not Brazil that moved, but yes it was the conscience that moved. E, when this dumb one, irreversible all the dumb remaining portion (also, Brazil).
What the Green Party has to make it is to start to take conscience of that the cause that it defends moved: it grew. E, consequentemente, it will also grow. It seems, only, that Marina and the PV had not yet given account of this, but everything is a time question, for ' ' fiche cair' '. Amazon can aid you in your search for knowledge. OBS.: this proposal of creation of a Permanent Legislative committee of Territorial Politics in the House of representatives already was sketched in an article who we publish, intitled: ' ' Politicalization? of the Territorial Conscience: the Mobilization Politics in favor of the Territrio' ' which can be read in: