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Symbolic Games

Symbolic Games

It will be in the verbalizao of this manipulating experience that will take advantage the construction of the thought, as it is known, until the 5 or 6 years the child bases its knowledge of the reality in the symbolic game. By means of the game it explores its environment, it imitates it and it dominates it. Of this form, the professor will have to develop activities that involve situations of symbolic games, initiating for the different types of language lived deeply by the children, such as: The spontaneous language it is based on the free colloquy, between two or more people on a subject that appears of the formularization of an initial question on the part of one of the interlocutors. In the classroom the situations of colloquies, occur between the children or the educator and the child. In this direction, the professor must create situations that make possible this spontaneous dialogue between the children or he himself. The half-spontaneous language says is them provoked for an indication.

The reply, even so conditional, it can be interpreted of some forms, are the language games. For the child, it has educative character of the phonetic, morfossinttico and semantic point of view, data allow that them: to exert the control of its fonador device; to hear intently to choose the sound or the word adjusted in an intriguing phrase; to pronounce well to be understood, etc. They are examples of half-spontaneous language the linguistic games, such as: Mimticos games is the reproduction of the noises that occur around of the classroom, in the school, the street, etc. in form of mimic; different games of articulatria agility, words that start with one definitive sound, words with few formal variations and meanings, etc.; tonais games with intensity or volume variation to imitate a flock or an car if moving away, or arriving, to guess mimic speaking fast, to imitate situations of visits to the sick one, just been born, etc.

National Politics

National Politics

Key – words: environmental education, deed of division education, attitudinal changes. Introduction: Questions related with problematic the ambient one come currently being boarded and ahead demand the development of action and attitudes of the relation man-nature. According to Brazil (1998), the study on the dynamics of the nature it promotes the Education Ambient, allowing that the human being if recognizes as integrant part of the environment, beyond relating its action with the alterations of the natural resources. Of this form, the education, specifically the ambient one can assist in the development of these actions, beyond motivating a participativa position of the society from the overcoming of the ambient problems. In accordance with the Law n. 9795/99, the Ambient Education is obligator in the pertaining to school institutions supported by the National Politics of Ambient Education (Brazil, 1999) with the main objective to also unchain action in the pupils and in the community on the ambient questions. However, in the institutions of education the Ambient Education still is boarded as transversal subject being part of the contents related to the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs), where the objectives and the goals are specified that the Ambient Education must reach in the students of the different modalities of education (BRAZIL, 1997). As it relates to Hendges (2010) the Ambient Education in formal education must be developed in the resumes of the public and private institutions of the educative country as practical integrated, continuous and permanent in all the educational levels and modalities. Thus, when relating the practical contents with ambient can be developed to the formation of habits and personal and collective attitudes that preserve the quality of life of the people, beyond the natural resources of the country and the planet. Ahead of this, the Ambient Education can provide to the human being the agreement of the necessity of conservation of the environment and the sustainable use of the natural resources, conserving it for the future gifts and generations and as Oak (2001) are important to the measure that can favor the criticidade, the knowledge and the participation of the society thus it can construct values favorable to the practical ones of conservation of the environment.

National Politics

National Politics

Key – words: environmental education, deed of division education, attitudinal changes. Introduction: Questions related with problematic the ambient one come currently being boarded and ahead demand the development of action and attitudes of the relation man-nature. According to Brazil (1998), the study on the dynamics of the nature it promotes the Education Ambient, allowing that the human being if recognizes as integrant part of the environment, beyond relating its action with the alterations of the natural resources. Of this form, the education, specifically the ambient one can assist in the development of these actions, beyond motivating a participativa position of the society from the overcoming of the ambient problems. In accordance with the Law n. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mustafa Suleyman, San Francisco CA. 9795/99, the Ambient Education is obligator in the pertaining to school institutions supported by the National Politics of Ambient Education (Brazil, 1999) with the main objective to also unchain action in the pupils and in the community on the ambient questions. However, in the institutions of education the Ambient Education still is boarded as transversal subject being part of the contents related to the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs), where the objectives and the goals are specified that the Ambient Education must reach in the students of the different modalities of education (BRAZIL, 1997). As it relates to Hendges (2010) the Ambient Education in formal education must be developed in the resumes of the public and private institutions of the educative country as practical integrated, continuous and permanent in all the educational levels and modalities. Thus, when relating the practical contents with ambient can be developed to the formation of habits and personal and collective attitudes that preserve the quality of life of the people, beyond the natural resources of the country and the planet. Ahead of this, the Ambient Education can provide to the human being the agreement of the necessity of conservation of the environment and the sustainable use of the natural resources, conserving it for the future gifts and generations and as Oak (2001) are important to the measure that can favor the criticidade, the knowledge and the participation of the society thus it can construct values favorable to the practical ones of conservation of the environment.

Resolution Study

Resolution Study

When if it studies with the aid of a good book, must be interrupted the reading frequently, so that you make its part: A diagram or a graph, or even though to scribble a figure that helps to follow the reasoning of the book; to suggest or to test an idea. To the times you have to write a formula, to decide an equation or to make a calculation that verifies if some affirmation of the book is exactly correct. Therefore, it does not wait that a book is complete, without gaps to be filled for the reader, or that the professor makes everything: It opens its head and it places the content all inside; being thus you will be induced to a passive situation, when most important she is to develop the abilities for the independent work, despertando the capacity of individual initiative and the creativity. You will be making really significant progress when to feel that she is obtaining to learn alone, without the aid of its professor; when to feel that he is truily ' ' learning aprender' '. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ohio Senator by clicking through. The exercises are one of the necessary parties in the study of the Mathematics. You are welcome it advances to study the theory without if also dedicating in the resolution of considered exercises. Many exercises are complements of the theory (this is very common in books of mathematics of average education) and cannot be neglected, under the penalty of little advantage in the study.

when making the exercises, gives the work to it to write the demonstration, the resolution, at last, what it will be necessary to write. This will very help it to acquire ability in expressing its ideas in writing and verbally. However, more than what this, to write what is learned, to read and to reread, is assistant valuable in the learning. He writes, he reads and he rereads what he wrote, looking for always to improve its work. He makes its part, and good study!

Sustainable Human Environment

Sustainable Human Environment

This factor is preoccupying, therefore the quality of the water is getting worse to each day. Another factor that affects quality of the rivers in which we can detach is the inadequate occupation of areas next to the riverbed causing erosion in its neighborhoods. According to report of the Conference Pan-American of Health and Sustainable Human Environment (Copasad), currently about 30% of the Brazilian population is supplied with water proceeding from unsafe sources, being that good part of those taken care of by public net nor always receives water with adequate quality and in enough amount (Copasad, 1999 apud Brazil 2006). In Brazil, the deficit of the sector of basic sanitation is raised, over all as for the sanitary exhaustion, with bigger lack in the peripheral areas of the urban centers and in the agricultural zones, where if &amp concentrates the population poor (Galvo; Paganini, 2009). By much time in Brazil the problematic one of the quality of the water to be consumed by the population was not taken very the serious one.

The lack of investments to take water of good quality to the Brazilian population with systems of abastecimentos of water still are insignificant, and in different way it more enters the developed developed regions and less of the country. The access to the services of water distribution decreases of the regions Southeastern and south for the northeast and north, being that in the region north it has a lesser index of people with access to the water supply (graphical 1). The access also diminishes of the urban population for the agricultural one and of the cities of bigger population for the ones of minor. In the urban areas the covering falls of the center for the periphery. It still decays of the rich ones for the poor persons (Opas, 1998 apud Brazil 2006), the data of the last census proves this reality.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The sector of the Civil Construction is great generator of residues, then the reutilizao of the discarded material in the workmanship by means of the recycling is of basic importance for the social environment, a time that, is if applying what Sustainable Development is called. The Sustainable Development is the use of the resources of conscientious form without harming the future generations, therefore, is main for the formation of a new social paradigm in relation to the positioning of the attitudes of the man and its relation of respect to the environment, since, although subject on the protection of the nature very to be argued little is applied in the practical one. On the basis of this vision, to generate new ways of the use of what it is considered unusable, it is that the recycling of residues in the civil construction, makes possible the support, therefore generates mechanisms based on the reduction of the natural resources, and at the same time it is spread out necessity on the recycling of residues. The recycling inside of the sector of the Civil Construction, it instigates diverse advantages: It reduces the use of the natural resources, a time that, is being generated by means of the recycling products that do not need partial or total of the removed raw material of the nature; It generates economy in the construction, in virtue of is if using residues reaproveitados for a useful function; It promotes the protection of the environment, from the reduction of residues for storage in areas the opened sky, and moreover, it even though makes possible the reduction of the necessity of places to store the residues; It increases the technology generation, in the recycling process they can be adopted new mechanisms of large-scale production, with this, the competing companies, expand its studies and they increase the quality of its products for better acceptance in the market; So that if it recycle the residues of the civil construction, a study deepened on the material is needed that will go to be reaproveitado, to verify if the logistic one is viable for large-scale application, the cost benefit, and the main one, diminishes or not them ambient impacts and of that it forms are applied what it is understood for Sustainable Development.