Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The sector of the Civil Construction is great generator of residues, then the reutilizao of the discarded material in the workmanship by means of the recycling is of basic importance for the social environment, a time that, is if applying what Sustainable Development is called. The Sustainable Development is the use of the resources of conscientious form without harming the future generations, therefore, is main for the formation of a new social paradigm in relation to the positioning of the attitudes of the man and its relation of respect to the environment, since, although subject on the protection of the nature very to be argued little is applied in the practical one. On the basis of this vision, to generate new ways of the use of what it is considered unusable, it is that the recycling of residues in the civil construction, makes possible the support, therefore generates mechanisms based on the reduction of the natural resources, and at the same time it is spread out necessity on the recycling of residues. The recycling inside of the sector of the Civil Construction, it instigates diverse advantages: It reduces the use of the natural resources, a time that, is being generated by means of the recycling products that do not need partial or total of the removed raw material of the nature; It generates economy in the construction, in virtue of is if using residues reaproveitados for a useful function; It promotes the protection of the environment, from the reduction of residues for storage in areas the opened sky, and moreover, it even though makes possible the reduction of the necessity of places to store the residues; It increases the technology generation, in the recycling process they can be adopted new mechanisms of large-scale production, with this, the competing companies, expand its studies and they increase the quality of its products for better acceptance in the market; So that if it recycle the residues of the civil construction, a study deepened on the material is needed that will go to be reaproveitado, to verify if the logistic one is viable for large-scale application, the cost benefit, and the main one, diminishes or not them ambient impacts and of that it forms are applied what it is understood for Sustainable Development.

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