Wedding Photographer

Wedding Photographer

Do you trust the photographer to his memories. You trust the story of the creation of your family for your children and grandchildren. So you should seriously consider the choice of the photographer. 1) Price – not an indicator of quality. Expensive photographer – does not mean better, and vice versa.

Therefore, to determine whether a decent photographer, at a price not worth it. Choose based on the following points. > on most websites. 2) Pictures in the portfolio should be sufficient, at least 50 pieces to get an idea about the style of the photographer. If Photos few probably had nothing to show or he is not even trying to interest the customer. 3) Photos in the portfolio must be from different weddings. This suggests that the photographer took more than one – two weddings, but many. 4) Persons who have be clear and sharp on the portraits, except for artistic device, when the sharpness is directed to another object (for example, focuses on the glasses in the hands of the newlyweds, rings or the bride while the groom stands in the distance).

5) The horizon should be equal, except for artistic device when the photo is greatly tilted. 6) There should be no sharp deep shadows of the people in the photographs in the room. There are spaces and situations when to avoid it is very difficult without studio lighting and an assistant. If the photographer has put such bad photos in your portfolio – it is said that he had no others.

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