Sacred Holy Writs

Sacred Holy Writs

Peace without God!They are saying again: Crucifica it, crucifica it – Lucas 23:21 We do not want that this reigns on us! – Lucas 19:14 This positioning makes of the ONU a legitimate defender of the operation of the error (knows more clicando here) and antiBiblical and antichristian agency. This was not enough, still was given to the luxury to trace the goals for the future world-wide government, establishing the profile of the ideal man to govern the world. In this point it showed really antichristian, therefore Sacred bible augurs (the 20 centuries) on the first world-wide government, that will be established and directed for the Antichrist, the first world-wide governor, and that it will be the incarnation of the Satan. With this devilishly the ONU if disclosed as guided and directed agency, opposing to the Biblical teachings and that it aims at to lead the humanity to breach definitively its relations with the Biblical God, denying faith searching a peace that never will reach without disrespecting the plans of the proper Creator.

She is the magnificent one dominating the ones that ‘ ‘ if they say sbios’ ‘ that thinks to be able to substitute the Sacred Bible for philosophies of peace and convivncia based in ideas and hypocritical ideals. They will change the truth of God in we mentirSabemos that the truth is not a question only of common-sense, but of moral order e, mainly, a concept of Biblical order. The Sacred Holy Writs objectify to teach the human being above all what it is truth ahead of God, at the same time where it informs in them above all what, for It, abominao is considered. As Jesus said, knowing the Evangelho we are knowing the truth: you will know the truth, and it will free you to the truth! – Joo 8:32. With the Evangelho, we learn that the truth is in Jesus, Efsios 4:21.

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