Raymond Braugher
The Americans have apt definition of this subject: "Your freedom stops right there where my rights begin." Unfortunately, none of the CIS, including Russia, do not adhere to this principle. Yes, and how this principle can be implemented at the household level, even if the Constitution and laws, these may say "democratic" countries, it is very often flouted. And our children? Will they be able to live and raise their children in the conscious human rights principles? This will be depend on us and on the state system, which will be created by us. Nine years have passed for us to become a bitter lesson of history, to show our inner emptiness, loss forecasting the results of our erroneous decision-making in the "equipping of the independent (most of yourself?) of Russia." So let us this time, try to avoid mistakes when selecting the next in December 1999, deputies in the Duma, and in 2000 – a new President of Russia, a united country, along the path vozrozhdeniya.Posleslovie, instead of reasoning, AI Solzhenitsyn on the topic: "Steer clear ahead." One can only express my admiration for the author "within the powers of considerations," on his courage recommend for the future arrangement of Russia on many fronts. Even though that Solzhenitsyn AI and admits that "prohibitively difficult to make any coherent development forward, it is likely to be contain more errors than merit, and could hardly keep up with the actual course of things. " And so it happened, unfortunately all of us.
The euphoria that prevailed among the majority of people in the early years of the collapse of the Union and the proclamation of the new sovereign and independent countries, is long gone and we all of a sudden, unexpectedly, again reached an impasse of political, economic, social, moral, ethical and public relations. And no matter what "their" ways that are characteristic for Russia, we are not looking for them we will not have to as long as there will be the very foundation of powerlessness of ordinary people, its economic humiliation bordering on genocide. Change the current situation only possible with a strong democratic system threads, which could provide a government that would begin to "act as would act very sensible folk society, if we knew everything in all detail, despite the ever-increasing governmental overload "(Raymond Braugher, quoted Solzhenitsyn AI). In the meantime, any other authority will always be in the "inescapable" duty to the people and to predict Russia's development "away ahead" is not no way that so clearly demonstrated nine years have passed since the publication of Solzhenitsyn's work was considered by us AI, a remarkable writer, but not politics. And if it is taken for granted, then the AI Solzhenitsyn indeed remains the great man who is rightly honored to be a Nobel laureate. June 1999.