Western European

Western European

If you're going to do paving laying their hands then we must first decide its choice and quality. How to tell the professionals to recognize the quality of tiles or paving stones on her appearance usual consumer is almost impossible – because the quality of the paving stone blocks (as well as the quality of any products made of concrete), can be studied only with special equipment. Therefore, the consumer is difficult question: "How to avoid purchasing low quality goods?". We believe that the answer to this question may serve the following tips bona fide manufacturers: The mirror surface of the tiles is achieved by introducing special additives into the concrete, any additional water. Moreover, if the additives improve the concrete, the water – the enemy of good blocks. Poor paving may look smooth, but it will not be strong, as is made with excess water. It is noticed that high-quality paving slabs under impact of one of the other issues 'ringing' sound, whereas the 'watery' – dull. The choice of paving slabs.

The quality of paving (paving). Good can be paving a bright, saturated colors. But in this case, the production should be used only imported pigments in strictly defined proportions. Over-saturation of color can tell the consumer about overdose of a dye that is bound to affect the strength characteristics of the tiles. High-quality paving, manufactured on special equipment from quality materials that can not be cheap. As a rule, cheap paving tiles offer small producers who do not have sufficient material and technical base, and use the helper does not always conform to the requirements specification, material.

When ordering, road cover not too lazy to inquire about the manufacturer, how long he works in the market if the product quality certification. By the way, getting paving tiles, no harm will know the following "truths": It should be seriously to the calculation of the number of tiles needed for the paving of the surface, so as to buy the exact same tile will be very problematic. Typically, the products from the same manufacturer but from different parties – different from each other in tone (and sometimes the size). In the game, paving slabs, even the highest quality may contain defective material. European (EM) and international (130) standards allow the presence of 5% defective tiles on consignment. The total area of the tiles should be ordered approximately 7-10% larger than the area is coated surface. This is because some of the tiles have to be disposed in the trim blocks. The number of 'excess' tile depends not only on the shape and size is coated surface, but also on the method of laying a sidewalk coverage (eg, diagonal or circular laying waste, as a rule, more than in parallel). By the way, after the tiling is not amiss to keep a dozen spare tiles – just in case. In most Western European countries, per capita have more than 1-5 m packed paving slabs. In Ukraine, this figure is significantly less than 1 m per person. So that the Ukrainian market concrete paving stones has pretty good growth prospects. Besides, the city government, and private landlords have appreciate the benefits that provides pedestrian amenities and parks with paving slabs.

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