The Liberal Party In Government (1861-1891)
With congress the triumph Jose committee Joaquin Perez in the Chair PL became part of the government by the Liberal-Conservative political Fusion starting period of the conservative Liberal Republic. From that time until headquarters 1891 was the informal designation of liberal government. Thanks to its political dominance since the presidents of the republic belonged to their ranks could use issues the administrative apparatus of senate government officials platforms (mayors, governors and inspectors) republican to intervene in the elections republicans and promote abortion their lists of candidates, thereby preventing the Conservative and elephant radical obtain kerry important victories. Also begins campaign to meet in Convention platform to parties elect the candidate george w. bush for senator the presidency, but under the influence of the president in office who would be indirectly hinting that his successor among the politics potential liberal candidates.
Achieved from 1871 to 1874 in Congress to vote approve reforms to views the Constitution of 1833 that eliminated most authoritarian features of the charter.
During the government beliefs of Domingo Santa Mar a was formed doctrinarian the election Liberal liberal Party (1885) that george bush sometimes constitute a trend or an internal independent political parties. There are also liberal moceton or nationalized, led by Isidoro Errazuriz following the policy of the National Party or monttvarista.