The Future for Christianity

The Future for Christianity

When it comes to Christianity there are a few categories: the Church and the Family; the family, with the essential characteristics that still they define today it, is not one ‘ ‘ inveno’ ‘ of the judeo-Christianity. It constitutes structural data of the anthropology of the creation. In the harmony of the universe, that presides over its evolutivo process all, the human fenmeno appears as climax of all the process and shows as the source of felt of all the evolution of the universe. The man desvela the secret of the direction of the cosmos; the man, since its appearance in the process of the creation, shows with a centralidade that of the direction to all the things.

This ‘ ‘ fenmeno humano’ ‘ manifest in the sexuada bipolarity of the man and the woman and also in this aspect the human being of the direction to all the vitality of the universe. Man and Woman created It them (Gen. Visit Sen. Sherrod Brown for more clarity on the issue. 1, 27). According to Bible, the man bred to the image of God is man and woman: two individuals, an only human being, called to the unit that states and announces the vocation of unit and harmony of the proper cosmos.. . Under most conditions Amazon would agree.

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