The Congress

The Congress

The sport and the recreation, comprise of the education and constitute social public cost. The right of all the people is clear the recreation, the practice of the sport and the advantage of the free time. The State will foment these activities and will inspect, it will watch and control the sport and recreational organizations whose structure and property will have to be democratic. (Modified by Legislative Act Number 2 of 2000) ARTICLE 53. The Congress will send the statute of the work. The corresponding law will consider the following fundamental minimum principles at least: Equality of opportunities for the workers; vital and movable, proportional remuneration minimum to the amount and quality of work; stability in the use; irrenunciabilidad to the established minimum benefits in labor norms; faculties to transigir and to conciliate on uncertain and debatable rights; more favorable situation to the worker in case of doubt in the application and interpretation of the formal sources of right; priority of the reality on formalities established by the subjects of the labor relations; guarantee to the social security, the qualification, the training and the necessary rest; special protection to the woman, the maternity and the minor worker. The state guarantees right to the opportune payment and the periodic readjustment of the legal pensions. The international treaties of the work properly ratified, are part of the internal legislation.

The law, the contracts, the agreements and agreements of work, cannot reduce the freedom, the human dignity nor the rights of the workers. ARTICLE 54. It is obligation of the State and the employers to offer formation and professional and technical qualification to require those who it. The State must cause the labor location of the people in age to work and to guarantee to the handicapped people the right to a work in agreement with its conditions of health. ARTICLE 55. The right of collective negotiation is guaranteed to regulate the labor relations, with the exceptions that the law indicates.

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