

One of the most popular types of lifting equipment are the usual lines of different species and different capacities. To date, production lines must be carried out in strict accordance with GOST, all products must be properly certified – because of so many seemingly insignificant details, and dependent quality of the hoisting works, and safe operation of the complex equipment. Slings are satisfied their steel and textile ropes. Textiles are used where special importance is the ease and flexibility of the product, they provide full safety of all the treasure to move is used. These products are unaffected by deformation, unlike steel, which shall be cleaned in areas of frequent bends.

Textile is much more resistant to aggressive media, textile slings themselves absolutely safe for humans, they do not drown, if you drop them in water and can always be at hand thanks to its compactness. However, there are situations where preferred products made from steel wire rope, slings must therefore choose only depending on the specific jobs and the environment in which they are used. Slings mats come in two forms: kruglopryadnye and tape. Belt slings made from the tape in two or crosslinking a single layer. The latter depends on the severity designed to lift cargo.

Kruglopryadnye lines represent a ring containing a core and a protective sleeve. Core consists of a polymeric material. The sleeve also eliminates the occurrence of the effect created when the friction of the core fibers during high-gravity lift luggage – it is a relatively new type of lifting devices, used in the rigging.

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