Robert Pear

Robert Pear

In the case of rendering of services, either public either of private initiative, one mentions to it on Costs of Quality to the control, being the target in this study the cost of quality of the information on the legislative utility installment in and the judiciary one. 2. Information of Costs for the Legislative A question of the Information of Costs of the Public Power has been subject of studies of academics of Administration and of Accounting. An article written for Robert Pear tree Rabbit, Administrator of Companies and Auditor ISO 9001, deals with the Research of Cost in the Legislative one with the objectives to demonstrate, through collection of available data in half electronic, the transparency of the managements publishes and to evidence the probable excesses, bringing to the public opinion the legislative costs of cities and States, to observe the agencies of legislative the federal one, that have as primary function the fiscalization of the accounts of the executive. The author affirm that he only observed the costs of legislative the federal one, leaving of side cities and States, what he creates a relative tranquillity to the administrators of these houses, therefore never are fiscalized by the population. 7 Robert Pear tree RABBIT (2006) in the objectives of its article adds: To charge of the public administrators the TRANSPARENCY so propagated in speeches and public declarations and that in the practical one he is restricted to few States and Cities that disponibilizam these. Beyond detaching ‘ ‘ To make to fulfill what it is in the Federal Constitution in its Art. 5 XXXIII: ‘ ‘ all have right to receive from the public agencies information of its particular interest, or collective or general interest, that will be given in the stated period of the law, duly warned responsibility, exceptions those whose secrecy is essential to the security of the society and the Estado’ ‘ , also detaching what it is determined in the State Constitutions and the Organic Law of the City, in the case I specify of the city of Campo Grande in its Art.

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