National Congress

National Congress

Relative to each other, there has been much rapprochement family to me, or they requested my presence in their homes, sometimes I feel overwhelmed because for me it is vital the solitude and silence, the senses have worsened, people in general are more friendly with me. There is a reflection that I have since the first face-to-face master’s and formerly a duda-conflicto, is about awareness, the development of extrasensory abilities and power steering, I know people who have many years in spirituality, with great development and management of the last two aspects but that my understanding lack much awareness, I observe many vices, many constraints, many fears, etc., this before knowing the education holistic vision was one of the various conflict in spiritual practice, me is now more understandable and my thoughts on the matter are aimed at the construction of an order or of a spirituality holistic approach, although it sounds redundant, not be as you would call it but it is something that occupies my thoughts and much of the presentations. Me is extremely clear that the development of awareness is vital in this era of knowledge and that for this reason it is essential, a vision of the whole, integral, orderly, clear, consistent and easy to understand, within reach of all human beings, I intend to collaborate to it. In this fourth semester culminating stage of mastery, the face-to-face sessions were summarized in one of 4 days, two of them were spent in the National Congress of holistic education primarily composed of former students and students master’s, as well as for candidates for doctorate in holistic education. Initially the event was to me incomprehensible, what advantages presented a composite Congress, almost in its entirety, by persons in the same knowledge by the same masters?, were those moments, the opportunity for the exercise of self observation, patience, openness, acceptance, universal love, fairness and respect.

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