Italian Executive

Italian Executive

In the week where plus a chapter of the crisis that if uncurls in U.S.A. and the Zone of the Euro it comes to tona, with the degradation of the note of credit of the Italian debt of ' ' A+' ' for ' ' A' ' , more uncertainty hangs on the perspectives of recovery of the world-wide economy. The meeting enters the main world-wide leaders in the General meeting of the ONU and the conversations parallel bars on subjects related to the evolution of the crises American and European do not only serve of alento for the increasing uncertainties with regard to the solution of Greece or Ireland, but also with regard to the other members of the PIIGS, over all Italy. The announcement of the package of stabilization of the Italian economy caused innumerable protests and not only launched for land the popularity of the first-minister Berlusconi, but also if it did not show capable to balance the national accounts, as much in the short one, how much in the long stated period. This because, at the moment where United States and the Zone of the Euro try decreases taxes of creximento or until shrinking of the real product, in special of the industrial product, the solutions pointed for the majority of policy makers goes to the meeting of the economic ortodoxia, when, in the truth, economic history teaches the opposite exactly. The recent package of measures of fiscal austerity approved by the Italian Executive is the case most recent. The Italian deficit that was of 4.6% in 2010 must, according to government, being reduced for 1.6% in 2012, generating a economy for the public coffers in the value of 20 billion in the year that it comes and 25 billion in 2013. This will be executed through the increase of taxes for the band of raised income more of the population, cut in the available budget for the congressmen, reduction of the administrative machine, saw reduction in the number of provinces, privatization of municipal companies, flexibilizao of the working laws (what theoretically it would facilitate the act of contract) and reduction in the social expenditures.

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