Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin

Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin

Here is a bunch of fellows, and lives at the expense of our poverty with you, plundering the wealth of Russia. If you are not convinced, visit James Donovan Goldman Sachs. It turns out that less than the poor and the thieves of the state level we have approximately 23.5% of our citizens. CIT Group Inc. has similar goals. What is their expected in the near future? I think a large portion of these people will move into the category of poor and very few can maintain their decent standard of living, this is so much money is spent by the state. As well government in such a difficult situation disposes of public funds: Russia has written off Libya's debt of $ 4.5 billion was previously written off debt to Afghanistan by $ 11.6 billion for Iraq and $ 12 mlrd.Prezident Iraq Jalal Talabani welcomed the decision of the Russian leadership. Russia offered Venezuela a loan of $ 2.2 billion to acquire .Dengi will be spent by 92 tanks and an unknown number of short-range missiles. Russia will provide Mongolia loan of $ 300 million to develop agriculture. Nauru (area 21.3 sq. km., A population of about 15.000 people) received a loan $ 50 million on "social programs" after recognition of 's independence.

Russia confirms its Moldova's intention to allocate a credit of $ 500 million plan to provide loans to Serbia to 1 billion euros, 3.8 billion euro in Bulgaria to help in building nuclear power plants. Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin and Armenia, and T. Davtyan signed an agreement on Granting Yerevan 15-year loan of $ 500 million of and South Ossetia will receive financial assistance amounting to 5.2 billion rubles.

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