Federal Constitution
We know that the education is right of all and to have of the state, as guaranteed in the Federal Constitution of 1988, and in this modality of education the constant advance of the technology is clear, promoting and valuing the resources that are facilitadores in the learning and education process. We must value resources to develop capacities between the users of ead similar of the true significant learning. Either for an activity, postagens in fruns or one it searches bibliographical the pupil must demonstrate maturity to learn in the distance, in way that to the end of the course the tutor can mensurar the provoked knowledge. Through bibliographical references, citations of great names of the EAD I describe in this production the true one felt to learn outside of the classroom, being able to share the gotten knowledge and to propagate in correct way the reached information, complement still with personal consideraes in the central focus of the learning. JUSTIFICATION For being a professional and operating pupil of the EAD I inside develop the sensible Real of the significant learning of this modality of education. It is known that the tutor is the facilitador of the processes of learnings, thus expects of the pupils maturity to develop the knowledge.
In the education in the distance it does not exist the black picture and the figure of the conditioning professor of content, what it differs is the autonomy to produce, of to study and to collaborate. To learn is to respect the limits and to value the differences, creating situations so that the pupils visualize and have more significao in the gotten knowledge. Some factors for assimilation of the content depend not only on the mediation of the knowledge, but of the moment where each meets, Saints (2008, P. 33): ' ' The learning only occurs if four basic conditions will be taken care of: the motivation, the interest, the ability to share experiences and the ability to interact with different contextos' ' 1 – SOCIETY AND the COMMUNICATION the necessity to communicate itself is a basic factor in the life of the beings, the human citizen possesss its way to act, to think and to display ideas for one real communication.