Creating Laws to Rule
It is worthwhile to create a set of laws that are pertaining to the subject: Right canonical administrative, municipal, etc. RIGHT, CHA adj. (Lat. directus). Straight, not bent or crooked: straight line. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sen. Sherrod Brown and gain more knowledge.. / Perpendicular, vertical: this tree is not right. / It is said of what is posted on the man’s body on the opposite side of the heart: the right hand is usually more skillful than the left. / Adv.
m. right: go right to their occupation. / F. Right side: the right of a figure. / Right hand. / Lado best carved a cloth. / The most moderate or conservative in political activities.
/ To the right m. Adv., Right hand on your right. / Do not do anything right, do all evil “4. On the other hand, in regard to the etymology of the word right Dr. Monroy continues,” is derived from law directum the Latino voice of dirigere, direct, channel, and that means what is subject to the rule, with the standard. Law is said in Italian diritto, in Portuguese direito; in Romanian, dreptu, in French, droit, in English, right, in German, recht, in reght Dutchman. “From the above we can deduce that the word” right “in many languages is the idea of righteousness, propriety, order, etc.” 5. For the theoreticians of Nostratic (single language that is spoken by mankind 12 000 years BC!), as Professor Alexis Ramer, sure this match is not surprising. Definitions of law are the definitions Miles writers, authors, jurisprudence, government officials and scholars have given what LAW means, what is the right.