

With this Weber (1926) he brings two conceptions of politics. The first one says that: ' ' for politics we will so only entederemos the direction of the grouping politician today called? State? or the influence that if exerts in this sentido.' ' In this conception, one becomes viable and tolerable use of the force or violence for the state for the guarantee of its power, sovereignty and ideas. In second, it understands for politics ' ' the set of done efforts aiming at to participate of the power or to influence the division of the power, either in the interior of only estado' '. In this way, for Weber ' ' any man who if delivers the politics inhales poder' '. The state consists only of a relation of domination of the man for the man. We could elencar beyond these innumerable other definitions of what it is politics, but will take as base the conception of Dallari (1999, p.10): ' ' politics is the conjugao of the actions of individuals and human groups, directing them it an end comum' '. This common end must have as ideal well-being, the equality enters the components of the society and social peace.

The politics results of the proper life in society, the actions human beings and the necessity of organization of this society, aiming at always to the common good, in such way that if it reaches a society joust and it exempts. Between ethics and the politics seem not to exist a point in common, therefore, to act as the standards politicians they mean that its attitudes are distant of the ethical values of the society. This affirmation seems to be contradictory. If one inhales to a life joust and happy, it becomes non-separable of the other. However, this purpose is mere theory. Where the politics, in the practical one, does not carry through the common good, but the good of the proper detainers of the power and supported its.

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