Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault

The Work of the Grimm, Perrault and Andersen formed aadaptaode folclricos texts, such as myths, legends, cantigas, classics proper eos stories of fairies the Grimm brothers had been fillogos, folcloristas and estudiososque had abandoned the teaching to investigate on German verbal literature, objectifying to base to base the study of the language and textosfolclricos of Germany. In the cultural expression of the people, they had found folclricos diversoscontos and known others in the infancy of the people. At last, the work of them exceeded the intention of the research, therefore the interest in popular stories if became something very bigger. Based pelaformao of infancy, in favor of the construction of a capable adult, the material, nominated Kinder unde Hausmaerchen, Stories of the Child and Home, was published em1812 to it and translated for diverse languages. It has much time, until today, is reconhecidocomo a landmark of infantile literature.

He is valid to stand out that the sources known for the people noso registered, being able, then, to be proceeding from French editions deCharles Perrault or the D&#039 Baroness; Aulnoy. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF STORIES Of popular stories of adult subject for the temticainfantil, the correspondence of the new educational point of view, qualexige of the literary materials, an example of behavior so that sejapassado for the children occurs. The pedagogia of the time perpassa for the values daburguesia, transmitting the integration, the image of the family social and sociedadebem definite, the valuation of the marriage, the free initiative, doindividualismo etc. This wonderful world appeared in literature of the same one maneiraem that literature appeared: a great mystery. Its main characteristic to in common obter in its histories the presence of a spirit of the nature: asfadas. Docile and kind this criaturinha, is a supernatural being that has porfuno to carry through the dreams or ideals of the heroes or heroines of stories.

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