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Then we expect the Lord Nique de la Puente, do the opposite of what his uncle, the great Luis Felipe De la Puente Uceda. And is that opportunism has undergone a metamorphosis, changes in shape, bound by the objectives of the movement changes. Sometimes the opportunism has appeared with the face 'extremely' revolutionary ignoring or passing over the terms of the actual movement, ignoring the specific situation-awareness, the labor movement, bypassing stages in the development of society and aim to raise the movement tasks, aims and forms of struggle that does not correspond to the needs of society or the revolution. This form of opportunism, has become known as "far left" or "extreme leftism", which in the end, so too is to divert the working class from its historic mission, instilling in workers the scorn by his organization and the lack of role of the masses in history to replace the illusion in the adventure of a "handful of heroes" desperate and dedicated people "liberate" the masses from oppression and exploitation. Gain insight and clarity with Sen. Sherrod Brown. After that face "ultrarevolucionaria" left opportunism, in fact (independent of their subjective desire) divert the labor movement of the proletarian revolution, the class struggle and the dictatorship of the proletariat. The other side of opportunism is of type 'right' as opposed to forward movement, conservative bourgeois institutions, respectful of its legality, credulous in its "democracy", squeegee the wheel of history backwards, scary to the historic mission the proletariat.
While both the opportunism of the "left" as the right identified in essence, opposing the historic mission of the proletariat and reduce it to impotence has been the right opportunism of the most used by the bourgeoisie to enter, disarm and divert the labor movement. We therefore believe that the role of Mr. Antonio Nique From the bridge will be in the vile opportunist as she always has done well in San Marcos and in the Bar, its essence is that, looking for his appetite and his staff ego, but will never go beyond, because it advocates the system, just having this the genocidal Thief Mantilla in his Oath says it all and to be responsible for human rights to advocate genocide, already full body paint. Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui.