Brazil Government
the government seemed to augur a path of roses in their aspirations but … The first wake-up call, loud and clear, was the result of active participation Mr. President Chavez (through PDVSA), the abrupt nationalization of Bolivia’s hydrocarbon industry and all the losses and complications that this meant for Petrobras, which stiffened the relationship between the main MERCOSUR partner and we, the aspirants, in spite of the visits, smiles and words of unconditional support of President a Lulaa Da Silva at the inauguration of the bridge Orinoco. Read more from Richard Blumenthal to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
The closure of RCTV, a full month ago, has sparked a worldwide wave of reaction against the government is wrong to despise and reject (which is doing it, at least lip service), a test is that because of a visceral reaction of Mr. Chavez, the Congress of the Federative Republic of Brazil, one of many governmental bodies in the world spoke out against this measure, and having been qualified by our President as a Loros Washington in response to his speech, are more than reluctant to sign the acceptance of the treaty would incorporate Venezuela in the southern economic community. The point is that the situation is much more complex than the expression of defiance of a group of parliamentarians as they claim to see in government in Brazil has followed with great attention to the case of the closure of RCTV and its development, the document establishing the MERCOSUR are used formulas similar to those used in the Inter-American Democratic Charter (of which Venezuela is a signatory), and requires that to become part of the group the exercise of democracy in the country aspiring to be full and unquestionable, that is, an authoritarian government with hints of any sign can not become part of the economic community and the decision to close RCTV is a clearly autocratic undemocratic..