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Summary Of Anapa

Summary Of Anapa

Anapa – a unique health resort on the west coast of the North Caucasus. Anapa is unique in all respects. The resort is located at the junction of the Greater Caucasus and . in Anapa very diverse landscape: the wooded foothills of the Caucasus are replaced by blooming valleys and plains are interspersed Taman marine estuaries. Smooth arc of sandy beach is bordered by the sea, forming bays. In Anapa over 40 km of sand and gravel is about 10 km .So across southern generosity Nature gave this place its mild climate, clean air, warm sea and beautiful beaches. Around mid-May in Anapa resort opens summer season, which lasts until mid-October.

Geographical coordinates and steppe climate of Anapa provide more than 280 sunny days a year. Sea near Anapa most environmentally friendly in the Black Sea basin. It surrounds the city from two sides. The number of attributes beach is divided into sections: Medical beach, Central Beach (city) beach , Vityazevsky beach, beach Annunciation. High bank, almost at a thousand meters with a blunt cape out to sea.

It is very comfortable, protected from cold winds Low bay. In the bay there is a narrow strip of pebble beach, improved importation of gravel. Fans soak up the sun has already taken in late February in the Bay of sunbathing. The coastline resort of Anapa Novorossiysk side – it's shingle beaches. They start in the seaport area and stretch along the high steep bank to the Small Utrish. Amazing beauty of landscapes and monuments of nature: smoothly, estuaries, salt lakes, orchards and vineyards, active mud volcanoes, ancient landslides, wooded foothills of the picturesque valleys, relict, pre-Ice Age, plants.