Complex Conservative Treatment Of Osteochondrosis
Complex conservative treatment of patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in acute treatment of patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine should be based on knowledge of the pathogenesis disease, and to take into account not only the developmental stage of the process, but also the individual clinical manifestations, as well as compensatory abilities of the person. The main principles of complex therapy osteoarthritis: – sparing targeted therapeutic effects; – complexity – continuity – early start – timeliness; At these stages of treatment and rehabilitation measures in this group of patients is an important moment of pain relief. Therapeutic regime. The first patient of osteochondrosis should provide rest for umenshesheniya load on the spine and paravertebral muscles relax. On this priznachayut 3 – 5 days of bed rest. Parallel use of physical and postural exercises and massage. It is advisable to patient education methods postisometric autorelaksatsii, wearing orthoses (belts, corsets).
On during treatment exclude certain types of activity, increasing the mechanical pressure on the spine: The Rise of gravity in the position 'crane', a long stay in a sitting position without support. Patients are taught right to go and get out of bed. Manual therapy. After reducing the severity of acute pain, perhaps, the use of gentle manual therapy techniques aimed at mobilizing and muscle relaxation, elimination of If necessary functional units, data techniques may reduce the antalgicheskogo scoliosis, increase range of motion in the lumbar and sacral spine. Often use postisometric muscle relaxation (PIR) as an integral part of manual therapy.