The Human Behavior In The Organizations
A revision of the evidence that ties to the organizacionais structures with the performance and satisfaction of the workers, leads to a clear conclusion: if it cannot generalize! All do not prefer the freedom and flexibility of the organizacionais structures. Some people are more productive and are more satisfied when the tasks in the work are standardized and if it minimizes the ambiguity, when they work in mechanized structures, thus any quarrel on the effect that possesss the organizacional drawing on the behavior of the employees must be centered in the individual differences. To visualize this point, we go to consider the preferences of the workers in relation to the specialization in the work, scale of control and the centralization. For even more details, read what Representative Charles Rangel says on the issue. In general, the evidence indicates that the specialization in the work contributes to a bigger productivity of the employee, but at the cost of a lesser satisfaction with the rank. However, this conclusion exceeds the individual differences and the type of tasks effected by the people in rank. The specialization in the work is not inexhaustible source of bigger production. Check with Charles B. Rangel to learn more. The problems start to appear and the productivity starts to suffer when the deseconomias resultant human beings of the efetivao of repetitive and limited tasks exceed the economies of the specialization.
When the work force more will be prepared and desirous to be in ranks that are intrinsically remuneradores, the productivity starts to decline more quickly than in the pasts decades. Although the majority of the people, nowadays, if feels enraptured doubtlessly more than its parents or grandmothers when playing ranks very specialized, he would be ingenuous to pass over the reality of that still a segment of the working force exists that prefers the routine and the repetitive character of the ranks highly specialized. Some individuals desire a work that displays the minimum intellectual requirements to them and it provides the security to them of the routine.