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2. Everyone has the right to control the divine and spiritual information and energy. 3. Everyone has the right to manage space and time. 4.

Everyone has the right to seek, receive and redistribute the divine and spiritual information. 5. Everyone has the right to appeal to God. Article 7 1. Everyone is entitled to divine creativity (Co-creation). 2.

Everyone has the right to spiritual and moral-ethical work. Article 8 1.Kazhdy has a choice and free will. 2. Everyone has the right to spiritual freedom, divine, spiritual and moral integrity. Article 9 1.Kazhdy has the right to a healthy environment. 2.Kazhdy has the right to improve themselves and the world. Article 10 1. Everyone has the right to respect for and protection of the divine and spiritual and moral integrity and dignity. 2. Everyone has the right to inviolability of his divine and spiritual life. Article 11 A person shall not enter into the spiritual space of man and his space against Love human will and its occupants. Article 12 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, expression, conscience and religion. 2. Everyone has the right to religious education and upbringing. Article 13 Everyone is entitled to compensation for moral and spiritual harm. Article 14 1. Everyone, including Soul and Spirit, has the right to development of the energy power of his soul and his energoobolochek. 2. Everyone has the right to use and manage their energy, the Divine energy, both individually and with others. Article 15 1. Implementation of a man of his divine and spiritual and moral rights and freedoms must not be contrary to love, to break and diminish the divine and spiritual, moral rights and freedoms of others. 2. Nobody has the right to use the divine, spiritual, and moral rights and liberties against the love for change and the violation of the divine, spiritual and moral laws the destruction of spiritual and material worlds, personal injury, inciting racial, ethnic, class or religious hatred, to promote violence and war, as well as for private gain of certain groups. Article 16 Each person is responsible for his actions, whatever they were not expressed, and related events on Earth and the universe. Article 17 This Declaration was adopted by people who agree with her completely and support it, and also expressed their no objection. This Declaration is open for acceptance for everyone.

Federal Law Municipal

Federal Law Municipal

As one of the ways public and municipal services electronic format to facilitate passage of the simplification of procedures, FZ 'On the organization of public and municipal services' proposed use of the universal e-card which is the material medium containing recorded, including in electronic form, information about the user of such card and provides access to information about the user card that is used for ID card user rights for state and municipal services, as well as other services for the commission in cases stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation, legal acts in electronic form. Thus, the Federal Law 'On the organization of public and municipal services' specifies only the general provisions fixing the legal framework for the use of electronic cards in the process public and municipal services. Ability to provide public and municipal services should be provided directly to those federal laws and other federal normative and legal acts which regulate the legal relations arising in connection with the provision of any state or municipal services. In the course of legislative activities have been identified legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of the laws of the Russian Federation, impeding the transition to the provision of public and municipal services (hereinafter – the public services) in electronic form using universal electronic card (Universal Smart Card). Government services in documentary form with the direct presentation of an individual in the Universal Smart Card spot government services much difficulty does not matter. More complex and meaningful is to allow the use of Universal Smart Card as a tool to obtain government services through remote access.

Family Code

Family Code

In this case, the father should be representative of their child under the law and the child should not be considered in the order stipulated the Family Code of the Russian Federation, after the death of his mother (usynovitelnitsy) left without parental care. It is also the parent capital can get kids themselves, not age, or adult children, who are studying full-time in educational institutions, but not older than 23 years in cases If a mother (usynovitelnitsa) if it is a single parent or sole adoptive parent, and she died, deprived of parental rights or has committed a crime against a child or revoked if the adoption, in connection with which appeared eligible for the maternity capital and the father (adoptive father), if only one parent or adoptive parent, and he died, deprived of parental rights or has committed a crime against a child or if revoked the adoption, in connection with which the right to receive maternity capital; What was invented "mother's capital" and how can it be used? Additional measures of state support or "Mother's capital" – it measures "to ensure the possibility of improving housing conditions, education, and increasing pensions, taking into account the peculiarities established by the law passed." Right for additional government support measures can be implemented no earlier than the expiration of three years from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children. A parent who has the right to receipt of the maternity capital may itself decide for what purpose (of these) to spend the money (the money can also be divided and spent parts): improving housing conditions; education child, then capital can be used not only for the child to which you have paid, but also to other children of the same parent. .