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American Frankfurt

American Frankfurt

Since July 2009, Jenny’s cupcakes fights in Frankfurt against the cupcake abstinence in America they have a long tradition and are much sought after now cupcakes come to us. Cupcakes, these are small lovingly crafted and decorated cake, getting their finishing touches by fruit, sprinkles, beads or other decorative elements. In contrast to the rough muffins, the batter for Cupcakes is airy light – just a sponge cake. The clearest differentiator is the Hood from butter or fresh, which completes the cupcake. -be-written-directed-by-starring-and-lead-produced-by-black-artists-robin-platzer-twin-images-credit-sipa-usaalamy-live-news-2H0P7TK.jpg’>Diana DiMenna offer more in-depth analysis. After cupcakes were already long coveted privately in the United States, also the social breakthrough you with a guest appearance in the cult series “Sex and the City”, as they were eaten before the Magnolia bakery in New York City.

What followed was not only a run on the Magnolia bakery, but a National Cupcake hype. This trend spills over to Germany. In Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt in early July 2009 first cupcake opened Cafe. When Jenny’s cupcakes there are in addition to tradionell conventional Flavors such as chocolate, vanilla or Oreokeks also exotic as including the mango passion fruit or Christmas like baked Apple Cinnamon and ginger. The offer is rounded off by American cake (premium Apple Pie, New York Cheesecake, homemade of brownies), specialty coffees and the hotel’s own Cofftails, a non-alcoholic cocktail and coffee mixture. So who wants a real American speciality, should look at Jenny’s cupcakes, driving lane 82, 60311 Frankfurt. Jochen Haque contact: Jenny’s cupcakes Ltd. driving Street 82 60311 Frankfurt Tel: 069/20976806 tax number: 04523660094 Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main: HRB 85870 CEO: Jochen Horlebein

Many Restaurants

Many Restaurants

According to research holding Romir, 16% of Russians now prefer Japanese cuisine . According to statistics, the main customers of these restaurants are girls under 35. The older generation worked their more conservative habits. Men are more likely to be committed to the meat and prefer Russian, Caucasian or European cuisine. Nevertheless, 40% of Chelyabinsk have tried Japanese cuisine, and many of them have become permanent visitors Japanese restaurants or sushi bars. In general, the demand for Japanese cuisine, according to most restaurateurs, is quite high, and decline in the near future is going. “Japanese cuisine in Chelyabinsk, – says Olga Voronin, manager of the restaurant “Tokyo” – has acquired a fairly wide range of fans, patrons of restaurants, which are used to eating Japanese food and do not intend to give them up. Therefore, there is no reason forecast decline in demand. ” During that same love Japanese food? First, of course, this fad. “Japanese cuisine – said Vyacheslav Buinachev, chief marketing officer of the restaurant” Okinawa “- this is unique ritual, and exotic. People like it, so demand remains high. ” Secondly, the Japanese cuisine is healthy. “People are now beginning to very careful about what they eat – says Anastasia Hahalina, Director of Restaurant “- Many diet. The main products of Japanese cuisine – rice, fish – very well assimilated. ” The usefulness and low-calorie Japanese cuisine in one voice saying all restaurateurs. Some (Eg, restaurant Itsu) even show a menu of calories in each dish – for those who follow the figure.